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Databases from A to Z: |
Agriculture-Related Information Systems, Databases, and Datasets (AgDB), maintained by the Agriculture Network Information Center (AgNIC). This is a compilation of databases and datasets which are related to agriculture. Not all are available online, but for those who are links have beee created. The AgDB compilation can be viewed through an alphabetic list, you can search by keywords or can have a look on What's New in AgDB. Every database comes with a description, where you will get the key informations on that specific database.
Arabidopsis thaliana Database (AtDB), Department of Genetics, School of Medicine, Stanford University. The database and information server for Arabidopsis. Available: Search the database, submitting data, electronic publishing, Arabidopsis Stock Centers, Arabidopsis Genomic Resources, Arabidopsis Genome Initiative (AGI) and other more general information topics.
Brazilian National Catalogue: Fungi, strains of filamentous fungi and yeasts, searchable index by keyword.
Colletotrichum Germplasm Database, maintained G. Weidemann, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, USA. Database Information: Genus, species, subspecies & alternate names, culture number, host, geographic origin, culture details. Available Information: About the Colletotrichum Database, View the Database, Download, request & deposit a culture.
Databases on fungi available through Telnet. Detailed explanations on how to use the databases provided by the U.S. National Fungus Collection. Descriptions are available for both menus (APHIS, USER), this includes login procedure, available options and search function of that database, literature and more general information.
Ecological Database of the World's Insect Pathogens (EDWIP), by D.W. Onstad, Center for Economic Entomology, Illinois Natural History Survey, USA. This database can provide you with information on fungi, viruses, protozoa, mollicutes, nematodes, and bacteria (other than Bacillus thuringiensis) that are infectious in insects, mites, and related arthropods. Available: Search the EDWIP Database, Introduction and general information, maintaince & updating, background, references, database structure. The Search Section is divided into: pathogen and host associations, nematode and host associations, diseases caused by viruses, virla disease in the literature (VIDIL), Tables for Insects, Pathogens and References. One should read teh introduction first before starting to search.
EMBL, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI).
Expert Center for Taxonomic Identification (ETI), Research School of Biodiversity at the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. ETI is a non-governmental organisation in operational relations with UNESCO. They publish taxonomic information on interactive multimedia CD-ROMs and sponsor the online World Biodiversity Database, which can be accessed from this WWW site. Available: Databases (World Biodiversity Database, World Taxonomists Database, UNESCO-IOC Register of Marine Organisms), Products (CD-ROM catalogue, Linnaeus II entry software), general information, network & partners, miscellaneous.
FAO Databases (FAOStat), is an on-line and multilingual database currently containing over 1 million time-series records covering international statistics in the following areas: Production, Trade, Food Balance Sheets, Food Aid Shipments, Land Use and Irrigation, Forest Products, Fishery Products, and Population.
Fungal Databases, Systematic Botany and Mycology Laboratory (SBML), ARS-USDA, Beltsvile, USA. Available: nomenclature (generic, specific, single host/fungi), specimens, Saccardo index, fungus-host distribution, literature, index of fungi, search all datasets.
Notification: GenoBase Database Gateway, BioInformatics and Molecular Analysis Section (BIMAS), National Institutes of Health (HIN); USA. The GenoBase web site has been shut down for an extended, indefinite period of time. Here you will find alternate sites.
Genome Sequence Database (GSDB), National Center for Genome Reserach. GSDB is a resource for complete, timely, accurate and useful collection of DNA sequences and related information. Available: What's new, documentation, feedback, tools, research, center, databases, search and more.
Grain Genes, a database for small graines and sugarcane. GrainGenes is a compilation of molecular and phenotypic information on wheat, barley, oats, rye, and sugarcane. Available: Maps & Map Data, Germplasm, Pathology, General, Probe Repository, Data Input, Employment, Meetings. The European Mirror is available here in english and french.
The International Culture Collection of Arbuscular and VA Mycorrhizal Fungi (INVAM), West Virginia University, College of Agriculture and Forestry: On the server you will find culture information (Species Reference Cultures), taxonomy (Nomenclature and Authorities of Glomales Species, Biology), photos.
Maize Genome Database: MaizeDB.
Microbial Germplasm Database (MGD).
National Ag Safety Database (NASD), sponsored by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. NASD is a compendium of agricultural safety and health education and information resources. It includes OSHA and EPA Standards, publications and many more useful resources. You can browse through the database by 'Topic' (e.g. Chemical/Pesticides), by 'State' (alphabetic list of states in the USA) or search the database. Information on how to use this site and background is available. In the NASD features you will find a safety resource directory, a pesticide safety training series and more.
National Pesticide Information Retrieval System (NPIRS), maintained by the Center for Environmental and Regulatory Information Systems (CERIS), Purdue University. NPIRS is a set of pesticide-related databases developed from data provided by the US Environmental Protection Agency (under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act). Get information about the services offered by NPRIS, how to get information about pesticides, what is available from NPIRS, and about NPIRS membership.
NEMABASE, a database on the Host Status of Plant Species to Plant-Parasitic Nematodes. Statewide Integrated Pest Management Project, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California. Information included in this database (for each host-parasite interaction): nematode species, nematode subspecific designation, host species & cultivar, susceptibility to damage, damage functions & thresholds, geographic location, fungal, bacterial or viral interactions, literature citation, and more.
Network Browser for Databanks in Molecular Biology.
Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre (NASC), maintained at the University of Nottingham, UK. NASC provides seed and information resources to the International Arabidopsis Genome Programme and the wider research community. Available: About NASC, Online catalogue, order seed, stock related information, links and more.
Parasitic Plants Database, maintained by R. Walter, HP Labs, Palo Alto. Database includes over 4000 entries giving an exhaustive nomenclatural synopsis of all Parasitic Plants. The database is searchable.
Plant Genome Database a collection of databases for Arabidopsis and some other plants. Every link to a database comes with a short description.
PLANTS: National Database (NPDC), USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). The PLANTS Database provides a single source of standardized information about plants. Beside the database access the following is available: information on PLANTS, photo gallery, news, the team, data contributors, PLAANTS cooperators, the PLANTS project, NPDC (National Plant Data Center) and some more. The database is divided into wetlands, threatend & endagered, phylogenetic, economic important and noxious. The database for economic important plants is maintained by Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN). PLANTS projects: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS), Agronomy Projects, Ecological Site Information System (ESIS), Vegetative Practice Design (VegSpec), NPDC and Plant Material Program.
PlaSMA: The Plant Secondary Metabolic Archive, maintained by the National Center for Genome Resources (NCGR). The PaSMA schema represents metabolic pathways by grouping reusable data modules containing reaction data common to many pathways together with other data germane only to a particular pathway. Available: Tools, Research Center, Funding, search and more. Using the database search you will get on-line available information (e.g. articles, database entries).
Ribosomal Database Project (RDP) , Department of Microbiology, University of Illinois, RDP is supported by the National Science Foundation.
ScaleNet: A Database of the Scale Insects of the World, Systematic Entomology Laboratory (SEL), Beltsville, USA. The database is covering systematics, host plants, geographical distribution and economic importance. It is including mealybugs, soft scales, felt scales, false armored scales or ensign scales. In addition, there is a searchable bibliography of over 11,000 references. You can retrieve nomenclatural, host and distributional information on any scale species using either the common or scientific name, and can determine what scales occur on any plant family/genus/species, and what scales occur in any biogeographic realm/country/province or state, with a host filter if desired. If nothing else, ScaleNet will help in the labourious chore of determining the current valid name of host identifications when preparing host lists for publications, etc. Available: queries, background information, news, links and more. In the background information you will also find a glossary and other useful information for this site.
Soybean Pathology Database (SoyBase), AGIS, Genome Informatics Group. Get Information on soybean diseases including causative organism, differentials, phenotypic scores and distribution.
Species 2000 has the objective of enumerating all known species of plants, animals, fungi and microbes on Earth as the baseline dataset for studies of global biodiversity. Verify the scientific name, status and classification of any known species via the Species Locator.
Vector Sequence Database (Vector DB).
Virus database on-line: Australian National University's Bioinformatics Facility; taxonomy, descriptions, photographs...
World Data Centre for Microorganisms (WDCM) provides a comprehensive directory of culture collecions, databases on microbes and cell lines, and the gateway to biodiversity, molecular biology and genome projects. 11 sections: A guide, directory culture collections worldwide, catalogues of microbial strains, catalogues cells, antibodies & DNA clones, Biological Diversity, Biosafety, Molecular Biology Resources, Genome project, bibliography and publishers, other servers.
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