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Journals, Books & Publications:
Phytopathological Journals
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Catalogues & Publishers
Databases & Services for Literature, Articles & Publications

Catalogues & Publishers:

Annual Reviews

Baloghs Scientific Books, Champaign, Illinois. A bookseller and publisher of books on botany (mainly, including: medicinial plant books, ethnobotany, floras, ecology, physiology, pathology)), zoology, ecology, and paleontology. Available: Catalogues, New Books, Search, Book Orders, Software (for general purposes), Survey, Biocruising (Links to other related sites).

BIOSIS, Publisher of Biological Abstracts and Zoological Records.

Blackwell Science Server, scientific, technical, and medical publishers. Founded in 1939, Blackwell Science Ltd (BSL) is one of the world's leading publishers of peer-reviewed science and medical journals. BSL is the largest specialist publisher for academic and professional societies, with editorial and production offices in London, Edinburgh, Melbourne, Tokyo, Boston, Berlin, Paris and Vienna. In total, BSL publishes 220 journal and newsletters and over 250 books each year. Blackwell's Online Bookshop: Here you can order books and publications from Blackwell Online.

Chemical & Pharmaceutical Press, Inc. C&P Press is a publishing company and information services provider. They collect, compile, and distribute pesticide product information in ways that enhance information flow and proper information use both within the pesticide industry and by end users of pesticide products. C&P Press publishes Material Safety Data Sheets Reference, Crop Protection Reference (online: Greenbook.net), or Turf & Ornamental Reference (online: Bluebooktor.com). Services are also available online for free or for subscription (premium service). Available: general information, publication, sponsors, guestbook.

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. Books, Journals and more.

CRC Press LLC, Lewis Publishers, St. Lucie Press. "Books & Software": In the list for 'Environmental Sciences' you will find Agriculture (includes Plant Pathology), Turf, Ecology, Remote Sensing and more. In "Life Scienes": Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Botany, Entomology and more. Further available: Announcements, Orders, Journals, News and more.

CSIRO Publishing, the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) publishes Journal, books, magazines and electronic media. Available: Books (science from agriculture to zoology), journals (14 research journals, including the Australian Journal of Plant Physiology), CyberScience (multimedia), Electronic Products (CD-ROM, software, videos). A search engine allows one to find any paper published in any of our recent journal issues by keyword, full text delivery of 12 of our journals to subscribers, and abstracts available free to everyone.

Elsevier Science. Available Information: General Information, What’s New, Catalogue and Publication Home Pages, Tables of Contents Service. Electronic publications and services in the following fields (selected): Chemistry, Life Science, Environmental Sciences & Technology ...and more. In 'Life Sciences' you will find sections of interest for plant pathologists.

Hartcourt Brace Europe - Homepage, scientific, technical and medical publisher, incorporating - Academic Press, Bailliere Tindall, Holt Rinehart Winston, Saunders College, The Dryden Press, The Psychological Corporation and W.B.Saunders. Available Information: Publishers, Online Journals, Services, Catalogue & Order, Mailing List, Feedback.

Kluwer Academic Publishers Information Service: Books and Journals.

Springer Verlag. Springer is an international scientific, medical and technical publishing company with offices around the globe. Our German offices are located in the cities of Berlin and Heidelberg. Subject Areas: Chemistry, Computer, ScienceEconomics/Management, Science, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Geoscience, Law, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Medicine, Pharmacy, Physics, Psychology, and General Interest. Electronic Media: Direct access to on-line Journals published by Springer.

John Wiley & Sons, Publishing Information in the Electronic Age. Avaliable: Welcome to Wiley, Wiley Worldwide, Access to On-Line Products and Services (Electronic Journals... Interactive Forums... and more), Product and Ordering Information, Information for Authors.

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Databases & Online-Services for Literature, Articles & Publications:

AGRICOLA (AGRICultural OnLine Access), National Agricultural Library's (NAL) Web Gateway, USDA, ARS. The AGRICOLA database is organized into two bibliographic data sets. (1) Online Public Access Catalog, known as "Books, etc.," that contains citations for books, audiovisual materials, serial publications, and other NAL and cooperator holdings. (2) Journal Article Citation Index, known as "Articles, etc." It includes citations, many with abstracts, for journal articles (see List of Journals Indexed), book chapters, reports, and reprints, selected primarily from the materials cataloged in Books, etc. You will also find further detailed information about AGRICOLA, how to obtain material online. The search is very easy to use and you will also find related keywords to yours.

article@INIST, Institut de l'Information Scientifique et Technique (INIST). The library catalogue of the Scientific and Technical Institute. Free access and consultation of the INIST international collections. Documents from periodicals (serials), theses or congresses. Once you have registered you can order each document on-line. Service is available in English and French.

BiologyBridge, the gateway to pure and applied lifescience information. A collaboration between BIOSIS and CABI Publishing. A web based service which includes the databases of BIOSIS Previews, CAB Abstracts and Zoological Record. Available: News, contact, product information, free trials.

BiologyBridge to Entomology, a collaboration between BIOSIS and CABI Publishing. A gateway to information on all arthropods, including insects, arachnids and crustaceans. Among other resources, it offers subscription-based access to a unique database of pure and applied information, encompassing basic research in biology as well as medical, veterinary, aquacultural and agricultural topics. Available: Subscription, free trials, product information, contact, help desk, news, other resources and more. To order material you first have to subscribe.

DBI Link, the database-service of Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut (DBI, German Library Institute), Berlin, Germany. Access to supraregional library-catalogues, table-of-contents-, literature- and index-databases with holdings locations of approximately 3000 German libraries. Available: the databases (user login or guest access), information on DBI, contact, news. Databases: Library Catalogues, Table of Contents, Historical Databases and Address Databases. The search is easy to use and allows also an expert search. Page in English and German (click on German homepage).

FAO: Library and Documentation Systems Division (GIL), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. From this site you have access to AGROVOC online, WAICENT (World Agricultural Information Centre), Virtual Library, FAO’s Current Bibliography, David Lubin Memorial Library, AGRIS (International Information System for the Agricultural Sciences and Technology) and CARIS (Current Agricultural Research Project information system). The AGRIS database is available online with free keyword search, author & title, category searchexpert or index serach features in English, French or Spanish. You will get the full bibliographic information available on-line. In combination with AGROVOC you can find assistance to translate from one language into the other and to find related topics. The old archive (data from 1975 to 1995) is also available in a separate section. The very powerful database design and the userfriendly layout makes it "must stop" site for your search of agricultural information, documents, articles and publications. An absolute must and tip in this section.

IDEAL: International Digital Electronic Access Library. This mirror is in the UK; you can also use the USA mirror to access IDEAL. Login as a guest gives you free access to abstracts of articles. Login as a user gives you access to full text. Go to the "Access" section to see, if your institution is authorized to use full access to IDEAL. You can search IDEAL or browse first by Subject and then by Journal. In 'Pest Management' you will find Journals like Biological Control, Journal of Invertebrate Pathology and more; in 'Plant Science' for example Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology. In the search mode you can type in keywords of interest. Use the browse mode to search for a specific journal and to see the journals included to IDEAL. TIP in this section!

IUFRO and FBVA On-line Reference Library (LIBERO WebOPAC ), written and maintained by Insight Informatics Pty. Ltd. The two databases comprise references of International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (IUFRO) and of the Austrian Federal Forest Research Centre (FBVA). It is an excelent database for forest and tree related refernces. The reference database is available in german, english, french and italian. The result of a search query will give you first the title, author and year and then the full library information including the abstracts.

PEST CABWeb, published by CABI. Pest Management Information on the Internet. Access CABI journals FREE over the internet: from January 2 1997, the following key pest management journals will be accessible over the Internet at NO EXTRA CHARGE to all current subscribers: Bulletin of Entomological Research, Review of Plant Pathology, Review of Agricultural Entomology, Nematological Abstracts, Weed Abstracts, Biocontrol News and Information.

Phytomed, maintained by Federal Biological Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (BBA), Berlin and Braunschweig, Germany. The online searchable database PHYTOMED includes over 452.000 literature citations, partially abstracted, from 1.500 national and international sources (specialist periodicals, monographs, dissertations, offprints, proceedings, annual reports etc.) from 1965 to 1995 inclusively. English version.

Phytomed-Select, maintained by Federal Biological Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (BBA), Berlin and Braunschweig, Germany. The online researchable database PHYTOMED-Select includes about 11.000 literature citations at present, partially with abstracts, from German and German language scientific journals, international books/monographs, dissertations, proceedings and annual reports from 1996 on. English version. The online search is in the moment only in German available.

PubMed (Medline free access), National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), National Institutes of Health (NIH). This is the free access area of the MEDLINE literature database.

Tree Health Care Literature Compendium, Illinois Natural History Survey, International Society of Arboriculture, USA. This compendium, which is searchable by author and topic, includes diseases, insects, weeds and cultural practices. Authors are 'real' persons as well as 'locations' like Michigan, Auburn. After selecting a topic or author you will get a number which will lead you to the reference. An introduction to this compendium is available. Useful for those searching for literature on a speciffic topic or author.

UnCover Web, a current awareness and Document Delivery Service maintained by The UnCover Company, Denver, Colorado, USA. UnCover is a database of current article information taken from well over 18,000 multidisciplinary journals. UnCover contains brief descriptive information for over 8,800,000 articles which have appeared since Fall 1988. UnCover offers you the opportunity to order fax copies of the articles from this database. UnCover is easy to use, with keyword access to article titles and summaries. UnCover Reveal is a service that delivers automatically the content of selected periodicals to your e-mail box. Beside the different services anbd searches you will find detailed information how to order or how to create an account. Very easy to use.

Urban Forestry: A Bibliography, Forestry Library, College of Natural Resources, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, USA. Updated annually. The bibliography is searchable and browsable by a list of topics. You can retrieve citation links or the full citation (which includes more information like description or keywords). All publications are in the collection of the Library.

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