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General Websites:
In this section you will find servers and web sites, which do not belong to one of the other sections or which covers more than one section and are of general interests.

... from A to Z
Pests, Diseases and Disorders according to Plant Groups
Agricultural Sites
Plant Quarantine
Taxonomy & Systematics

... from A to Z:

ACIAR's Crop Scieneces Program, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra, Australia. Current projects include control of virus diseases by development of resistant hybrids or by transgenic plants, drought & disease resistance in lentils, diagnosis of diseases, integrated pest management in brassic vegetable crops, Biological Control of Insects or weeds, plant pathogenic mycoplasma-like organisms, fungi as herbicides and more. Further available: About ACIAR, their programs, News, Publications, Achievements and how to participate.

Agdia's Diagnostic Clinic Directory. The diagnostic clinic directory is a convenient way to find plant diagnostic clinics, either for potential users looking for information, or for diagnosticians who need to locate colleagues. Available Information: About Diagnostic Clinic and mailing list (here you will find information on how to use the directory and more), Search the directory, select a location of interest.

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). APHIS is an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Provide services on many topics. In "What's hot in APHIS" you will find current or urgent topics (e. g. Karnal Bunt, Noxious Weeds), you can take a guided tour or search the server by keyword. There are also mailing lists and phone directories. Publications and Press releases (updated frequently).

Appropriate Oversight for Plants with Inherited Traits for Resistance to Pests, a report from 11 scientific societies. A Scientific Review of a Policy Proposed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1996. You can read the document Online or get a printed copy. From the content: Goals and Mechanisms of Plant Breeding for Resistance or Tolerance to Pests, The Scope of Plant Biotechnology, Interpretations of the Term "Pesticide", Pest Defense Mechanisms in Plants: Current State of Knowledge, Equivalency and Conservation of Pest-Defense Mechanisms Within and Beyond the Plant Kingdom, Effects of Plants on Associated Flora and Fauna in the Environment, Potential for New Environmental or Dietary Exposures Due to Genetic Modifications, Procedures in Use to Assure Safety of New Crop Plant Varieties to People and the Environment ... and more.

Biodiversity and Biological Collections Web Server, searchable resources: Botany, Mycology, Microbiology, Entomology, Biodiversity, Announcements, News, Societies... and more.

CAMASE is a Concerted Action for the development and testing of quantitative Methods for research on Agriculture. An EU-supported project of five groups in Copenhagen, Toulouse, Cordoba, Edinburg and Wageningen. Available Information: The CAMASE Project, Newsletters of Agro-ecosystems modelling, CAMASE guidelines for modelling, the CAMASE Register of agro- ecosystems Models.

CropNet, the Crop Protection Website - controlling insetcs, weeds and diseases. Crop Protection Manager (CPM) Online. Available: The CPM Magazine Online, the Archives of CPM, a discussion board (talk), directories for weeds, insects and diseases, Pest Management Resources, ask an expert (post your questions to specialists) and Labels/MSD Information. The CPM Magazine is diveded into Midwest, Southern, California/Arizona and Florida Edition. The directories are a collection of thematic sorted links.

College of Agriculture and Home Economics, New Mexico State University. The NMSU College of Agriculture and Home Economics has hundreds of online documents of Agriculture-related information, as well as a regular online general interest magazine, a weekly gardening column, and several other free services.

Cooperative State Research Education & Extension Service (CSREES), United State Department of Agriculture (USDA). Available: About CSREES, State Partners, Programs, Success Stories, Funding, What's New and How to publish on the CSREES Server.

CRISTAL, managed by the European Crop Protection Association (ECPA). The CRISTAl project is aimed to develop standards and guidelines to support the implementation of electronic commerce within the distribution chain of the European agrichemical Industry. Available: using standards (Bar coding and labelling of Crop Protection Products, Electronic Data Interchange, Controlling Changes to the Standards), communicating (e.g. press, economics), pilot projects, FAQs, contact (with links) and more.

Crop Mixtures, towards ecologically balanced agriculture. Maintained by A. Newton, Scottish Crop Research Institute, UK. General information on 'what are mixtures'? The On-line Booklet "Variety Mixtures in Theory and Practice" is divided into: Concept & value, mechanisms of V.M. for reducing epidemics (with 2 images), V.M. in practice, experiences in Denmark, Switzerland and Poland. The booklet describes case studies of the 'Variety and Species Mixture Working Group" of COST Action 817.

Crop Protection, Section for Crops, Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food (SAF), Government of Saskatchewan, Canada. Here you will find up-to-date informations as well as very comprehensive informations and guides for plant pathology. The Crop Protection Guide (updated regulary): Use of pesticides, chemical control guide for weeds, insects & diseases. The weed control notes. Identification of weeds and their control. Detailed and up-to-date information on various topics: Integrated weed management, sustainable agricultur facts, forcast for grasshoppers & wheat midge, information about pests, organic crop production and many others. High valuable resource covering a wide area of plant pathology. Take time to browse through the different thematic fields, but do not miss to visit this site.

Directory of Plant related resources, maintained by J.M. Sanchez, Asociación Española de Parques y Jardines Públicos. The directory is available in spanish and english. Besides directory for different plant groups like 'Orchids' it has sections for turfgrass, pests & diseases, weeds, extension service or for software. Regulary updated.

The Economics and Agronomics of New Crops, maintained by Agriculture Institute of Management in Saskatchewan Inc. (AIMS), the Agriculture Development Fund (ADF), Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food (SAF) and the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. This extension package is divided into the following seven plant group sections: Dry pea, chickpea, caraway, coriander, alfalfa seed, seed potatoes, and winter cereals (wheat, rye, triticale). In each section you get an introduction followed by production, production economics, markets & marketing, resources, pictures and more. Productions also covers diseases, pests and weeds.

Erstellung einer objektorientierten Entwicklungs- und Anwendungsumgebung zum rechnergestützten Pflanzenschutz. Institut für Landwirtschaftlichen und Gärtnerischen Pflanzenbau, Fachgebiet für Ackerbau und Informatik im Pflanzenbau. Vollständiger Abdruck der von der Fakultät für Landwirtschaft und Gartenbau der Technischen Universität München genehmigten Dissertation. This page is only in German.

Forage Information System - Pests. The Forage Information System provide links worldwide forage-related information. Available: Weeds, diseases, Insects, nematodes, Vertebrates, Videotapes, Publications.

Global Plant & pest Information System (GPPIS), FAO/SPC Joint Programme. GPPIS is an electronic, interactive, multimedia compendium of plant protection information and a global implementation and extension of the Pacific Plant Protection Information System (PPPIS) developed by FAO and the South Pacific Commission (SPC). Available Functions: Pest Info & Maps to find pest information. You will be able to search for pathogens, insects, nematodes and weeds and obtain a variety of information including dynamic pest maps. Plant Info, Country Info (list of pests associated with an imported host from a particular country), Pests listed by country, References and more. GPPIS is not only available on-line, you can get an off-line version on CD-ROM for free.

Hancock County Extension Home Page, Iowa Sate University Extension. On-Line References: (1)Integrated Crop Management Newsletters - Index of Articles from 1993 to Present or by year, (2)Home Horticulture - General Horticulture, Outdoor Plants, Insects, House Plants, Plant Diseases, Small Fruits, Tree Fruits, Trees & Shrub, Turfgrass, and Vegetables, (3,4) Common Apple Diseases, Common Fruit Insects - Guides for recognizing common diseases or pests, with images.

InterDrought: Intergrated Studies on Drought Tolerance of Higher Plants. Available Information: Scientific Teams, How to join the Network, Live Communication (you can send mail to all members or communicate with single groups), Events, News, Offers, Publications on drought tolerance, gene Bank. Links to: Sewana Network, Mediterranean Agronomic Research Groups.

International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) published by the IPPC Sekretariat, located at the Plant Quarantine/IPPC Secretariat of the FAO, Rome, Italy. The purpose of the IPPC is to secure common and effective action to prevent the spread and introduction of pests of plants and plant products and to promote measures for their control.The International Plant Protection Convention was adopted by the FAO Conference in 1951 and came into force in 1952. The IPPC is a multilateral treaty deposited with the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and administered through the IPPC Secretariat located in FAO's Plant Protection Service. 107 governments are currently contracting parties to the IPPC. Full text is downloadable (select IPPC). Preamble and XV articles covering topics like National organization for plant protection (article IV) or Phytosanitary certificates (article (V). Very important information - a must for plant pathologists.

Internet Directory for Botany, maintained by S. Liu at Faculty of Science, University of Regina, Canada. This is the alphabetic list. Several Mirrors are available. You can also search the lists by keyword.

Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network: National Research Sites with a common commitment. National Science Foundation, USA. Available Information: program, Network Office, Sites, Scientists, Data, Research and more. In research you will find the core research topics, remote sensing & GIS coordination. In the moment there are 18 websites ( several experimental forest sites, prairie areas...). In the Program section you will find details about LTER, mission and goals.

Methods & Practice of Plant Disease Diagnosis, by C.R. Semer IV, J.J. McRitchie & G. Simone, Diagnostic Committee: American Phytopathological Society, located at the Florida Agricultural Information Retrieval Service (FAIRS). Content: The diagnostic sheets are divided by crop. For each dignostic sheet the following information is available: Symptoms & signs, diagnosis (isolation, identification), pathogenicity, storage of the causal organism, reported host range, geographic range, suggested taxonomic keys and references. In the moment not all diagnostic sheets are available, so be patient and come back in the future, because this will be a Top site soon. Just try it now (e. g. tomato).

The Natural History Web, National Museum of Natural History, Smithonian Institution, includes the Departments of Botany (collections, programs, publications...) and Entomology (Newsletters, databases...)

NEE-HOW: The Bioresource Finder. "Bio-Search" helps you to find the biological information available on the internet by performing a keyword search and "Wonderful Links" allows you to browse our collection of Molecular Biology related weblinks.

New and Emerging Plant Diseases Project, compiled and maintained by the Department of Plant Pathology and the Plant Disease and Insect Clinic of North Carolina State University. The purpose of the project is to provide agricultural producers with a comprehensive listing of new, emerging and re-emerging plant diseases. Categories: Fungal, Bacterial, Viral, Nematode, Plant Diseases, Chronic/Spreading Diseases Known for More than 20 Years: and Causing Increased Concerns, and Threatening Plant Diseases Not Reported or Limited in Distribution in the United States. Each of the six categories is sorted by disease, host and pathogen.

Online Reference Service Pilot Project, maintained by the Agriculture Network Information Center (AgNIC). Online reference and web links in the areas of: Animal Science Homepage (Iowa State University, Library), Food and Nutrition (National Agricultural Library, Food & Nutrition Information Center), Plant Sciences (University of Nebraska), Rangeland Management (University of Arizona), Rural Information (National Agricultural Library, Rural Information Center), USDA Economics and Statistics System (Cornell University, Mann Library).

PestWeb. PestWeb is a professional pest control industry website. It provides information and links on: Pest control operators & associations, industry services, manufacturers, Integrated Pest Management, MSDS & Product Labels, Chemicals, Pesticides, Rodenticides & Termiticides, and Research Notes.

PHYTO-Resources, Phytopathological database on diseases and pest that affect ornementals, trees and shrubs in province of Québec, Canada. Service is available in french.

Plant Disease Mechanisms, by G. D. Lyon. Scottish Crop Research Institute, Invergowrie, Dundee, Scotland. The text part gives a short introduction to the subject of plant diseases, host-parasite interactions, and the plant defenses. The most important part is the chart showing the "Metabolic pathways of the diseased potato". It is a PDF file which can be viewed using Adobe Acrobat. It It is the intention of the author to up-date the chart as he become aware of new information through publications, their own work, or personal contacts.

Plant Disease Publications, Cooperative Extension Service, Oklahoma State University. Published by The Plant Disease Library. This is a lis of publications, mostly in pdf-format, conerning diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, nematodes, fungi and diseases not caused by pathogens. The list covers various crops and plant species (e. g. tomato, cereals, apple, peanut...) and also a broad spectrum of diseases (e. g. powdery mildew, rusts).

The Plant Doctor, American Phytopathological Society (APS). The Plant Doctor talks about plant diseases and associated microorganisms. This website is part of the visitor's center of APS. Covers topics like "Plant Diseases in January?" or "Many of the seedlings in my garden are dying." In the APS visitor's center you will find more useful information for free like Pest Managemnet for Evergreen Trees or the university plant pathology home pages.

PlanteInfo, a Information System for Crop Production, Danish Institute of Plant and Soil Science, Danish Agricultural Advisory Centre. Available: Risk calculations of diseases and pests, Field recordings of diseases and pests, Biology and control of diseases, pests & weeds, weather information, mailbox.The English version has not been completed entirely, so certain links will lead to WWW pages in Danish.

Plant Industry Division, North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services. Sections: Fertilizers, Plant Protection, Seeds and Publications, Laws & Regulations. Regulations for North Carolina include Boll and Sweetpotato Weevil. Plant Disease Services.

Plant Pest Diagnostics, Plant Industry, California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA). The Plant Pest Diagnostics Branch provides professional plant pest diagnostic support. Laboratories for: Botany, Nematology, Seed, Entomology, Plant Pathology. Link to Plant Health and Pest Prevention Services. Plant Pest Diagnostics Publications: Chrysomela Newsletter.

Plant Protection Division, Agricultural Department, FAO. The Plant Protection Service of FAO addresses international aspects of plant protection and closely cooperates with regional and national plant protection organizations and programmes. Topics: IPM, Migratory Pests, Emergency Prevention System (EMPRES), Plant Quarantine, Pesticide Management. Plant Protection Officers in the regions provide regional, sub-regional and national dimensions to the Programme.

Plant Research in Germany, maintained by K. Stüber & M. Nenno. Links to Agiculture, Botany & related Research, International Resources.

ProMED-mail: Plant Diseases Announcements, Chronological, but you can also have an alphabetic index by subject or search the database of ProMED. The Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases (ProMED) was proposed by the Federation of American Scientists specifically to create a global system of early detection and timely response to disease outbreaks. ProMED Plant is one branch of this project. You can also get general information about ProMED and how to subscrine to their mailing list. The Plant Disease Announcment covers a wide range of diseases and pests. Each article comes with information about the author. Articles are very informative and give a comprehensive insight into the subject.

ProMED - Plant Disease Working Group, Federation of American Scientists ProMED, Working Group on Infectious Plant Diseases and Plant Threats, January 1996

Risk Reduction in the field of plant protection products in Germany, published by the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry (BML), Germany. Chapters: (1)Introduction, (2)Present Strategy, (3) Risk reduction through legal regulations governing plant protection products, (4) Monitoring of legal regulations governing plant protection , (5) Risk reduction through research and development, (6) Risk reduction through related measures, (7) Results, and Annex. This webpage is also available in German.

Risk World Home Page, covering news and views on risk assessment and risk management. Publications, Web Sites, Organization, Events, Workshops, Grants/Fellowships, Jobs, Risk Software. Commission on Risk Assessment and Risk Management.

TOMCAST: Tomato Disease Forecasting, coordinated by J. Jasinski, Ohio State University, Extension Vegetable Crops (Veg Net). TOMCAST is a computer model based on field data that attempts to predict fungal disease development, namely Early Blight, Septoria Leaf Spot and Anthracnose on tomatoes. Available: Backgound, Disease Severity Value (DSV) chart, using TOMCAT.

The Tree of Life, information on the phylogeny and biodiversity of organisms

US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). This site includes the US Patent Bibliographic Database (a freely searchable database of front page information from US patents).

Växtskyddscentralerna, Information System for Crop Protection by the Swedish Board of Agriculture. Available: Risk calculations of diseases and pests, Field recordings (Prognoser) of diseases and pests, Biology and control of diseases, pests & weeds (Ögräs), photodatabase (Bildarkiv) of weeds, pests and diseases.

World Trade Agreement (establishing the WTO and including GATT 1994) includes the Agreements on 'Agriculture' and on 'Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures'

WWW-Server for Ecological Modelling, University of Kassel, Germany. WWW-server provides easy access to available information about ecological modelling (simulation models, descriptions of these models, simulation-software, persons and literature). In section Register of Ecological Moidelling you can search by subject, name or browse through the list of available programs. Every entry comes with a description, further information and contact addresses. Examples: Rice Water Weevil Model, Bio-Control Parasites, General Ecosystem Model, Simulations of Populations Biology... and many more.

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