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General Websites:
In this section you will find servers and web sites, which do not belong to one of the other sections or which covers more than one section and are of general interests.

... from A to Z
Pests, Diseases and Disorders according to Plant Groups
Agricultural Sites
Plant Quarantine
Taxonomy & Systematics

Pests, Diseases & Disorders according to Plant Groups:

Berries & Grapes: Disease Control Guidelines, Northwest Berry & Grape InfoNet is produced by the North Willamette Research and Extension Center, Oregon State University Extension Service. Available: Blackberry, Blueberry, Cranberry, Currant, Grape, Gooseberry, Raspberry, Strawberry. Select a fruit crop and get a list of fungal, virus diseases and nematodes. The following information is available: Causal agent, symptoms, control and notes. You can also go to the Insect Control Guidelines or the weed management guidelines for berries and grapes.

Blueberry Diseases. Diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, nematodes.

Controlling Insects and Diseases of Azaleas & Rhododendrons, by P.P. Cobb and A.K. Hagan. Brief description of insect and mite pests as well fungal diseases. Each description comes with an image.

Crop Diseases in Corn, Soybean, and Wheat, K. Rane, G. Ruhl, P. Sellers & D. Scott, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Purdue University. A pictorial guide. You can search by crop and disease name or go through the index of diseases. Diseases are divided into groups like 'seed diseases' or 'leaf diseases'. For each disease you get the following information: Disease name, pathogen, symptoms, conditions for infection, Inoculum survival & dispersal, and managment. Each disease comes with pictures of symptoms.

Diseases of Cereals and Turfgrass, published by Alberta, Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Canada. Bacterial, fungal and virus disease of cereals and turfgrass. Information available for diseases of cereals: Biology, Damage Description, Diagnosis, Management Strategies.

Diseases of Tree Fruits and Grapes in the Pacific Northwest, maintained by Fruit Pathology, Washington State University (WSU). Disease References for Apples, Grapes, Pears and Stone Fruits. Fungicide Recommendations and fungicide information, resistance and label information. WSU/USDA links and news (including disease alert). Disease information includes symptoms, epidemiology, control or downloadable files (pdf-format). Site is of major interest for all living in the region.

Forests Pests and Diseases, Forest Research Institute, Helsinki, Finland. Index: Damaging Agents (Insects, Fungi, Vertebrata, abiotic factors), Diagnosis, Needle Loss Assessment, Glossary. Each entry in the 'damaging agent' section comes with description, life cycle, Damages (include images), Diagnosis, and Management. Diagnosis is an interactive user guide for Forest Damages in Finland. The server provides a very usful glossary.

Fruit Pathology, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Available Information: Current & special topics, disease profiles. Disease profiles: Diseases on pear & apple, cranberry and strawberry. Symptoms, disease cycle and control.

Grain Genes Pathology, maintained by Grain Genes, the database for small graines and sugarcane. A compilation of articles and documents from several server sites for barley and wheat. Covers a wide area of diseases caused by fungi and viruses, pests, managing and control. Some documents are in pdf format. You can go to a download page for the Acrobat Reader from the starting page of PPIGB. It includes also the "Wheat Diseases and Pests: A Guide for Field Identification" web page. You can also easily switch to other services and databases from Grain Genes.

Hypermedia en protection des plantes (HYP3, section pathologie), provided by the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), France. This is a multimedia resource for plant diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, mycoplasma and viruses. Information is given in french and english. You can select a list by pathogen species, disease or crop. A glossary is available. For each pathogen you get a short identification and description, biology, epidemiology, treatement, possible misleadings and images of symptoms and the causal organism.

Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Forage Crop Diseases, maintained by the National Grassland Research Institute (NGRI), Nishinasuno, Tochigi, Japan. Areas under interest: Forage Crops, Grasses, Turfgrass, Legumes, Cereals. In each section you will find a list of plants and for each plant a list of diseases. For each disease is the following information available: Causal organism, description of the disease, photos of symptoms.

Images of Pests and Pathogens on Maize

Mississippi Lawns and Gardens, Cooperative Extension Service, Mississippi State University (MSU). This extension service is divided into the following topics: Ornamentals, Turfgrass, Vegetables, Fruits & Nuts, Garden Calendar and Poisonous Plants. For Ornamentals a brief description of the plants and cultivation conditions. The 'Vegetable' and the 'Fruits & Nuts' section are further divided into plant species and there you will get detailed information on disease, pest and weed control.

Oklahoma Plant Doctor, maintained at Plant Disease and Insect Diagnostic Lab, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Oklahoma State University. The Plant Doctor is available for Field Crops, Fruit & Nuts, Greenhouse, Houseplants, Ornamentals, and Turf. The site is very easy to navigate: choose plant category (or problem category), then host followed by affected plant part and compare symptom pictures with the symptoms on your plant. What you get: Symptoms, Control, pictures and depending on causal agent additional information. The sections cover problems caused by fungi, viruses, bacteria, nematodes, insects and others. The Turf section is an own service (described in PPIGB section Turfgrass). Further available: basic instructions, pesticide use, diagnosing plant problems (in six steps), and anatomy of plants which is a highly useful general resource. The service convinced with a clear layout, usability, navigational tools and very well organized information. Go and see for yourself, but do not miss it. Highly recommended and a TIP in this section.

Plant Disease Control Handbook 1996 - an On-Line Guide. Oregon State University, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology. This online guide contains the A to Z text sections of the Pacific Northwest Plant Disease Control Handbook. The online guide is intended as a reference to control measures for the major plant diseases in the Pacific Northwest. No attempt has been made to include all plant diseases. Available Information: Introduction, Index (sorted by crop), Images, Search (very useful to find a specific disease), Glossary and more. You can get comprehensive information about plant diseases, makes it a tip for this section.

Plant Disease Information Notes, North Carolina State University, North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. Diseases caused by fungi, bacteria and viruses. The Plant Disease Information Notes are available for the following topics: Alfalfa, Corn (Maize), Cotton, Fruit, General Principles, Ornamentals, Peanuts, Small Grains, Soybeans, Tobacco, Turfgrass and Vegetables. Each section have list on articles on various topics, but also links where you can get more information.

Problems of Pumpkins and other Curcubits: Anthracnose, Bacterial Wilt, Leaf Hopper, Mosaic Virus...and other diseases and pests.

Texas Plant Disease Handbook, Texas Plant Pathology Extension, Department of Plant Pathology & Microbiology, Texas A&M University (TAMU). First step is to select a host (Vegetable, Fruit & Nut Crops, Flowers, Ground Covers, Shrubs, Lawns & Turf, Cereal Crops, Fiber, Oil & Specialty, Forage Crops, and Sugar Crops). The you can select a host of interest and the causal agent (e. g. fungal, viral... or all) or you can enter the name of the causal agent. You will then get a list of causal agents with a detailed description of their symptoms. Where available high quality pictures will be displayed with the description. A special section covers problems affecting multiple crops (e. g. air pollution). In methods & materials you will get detailed information on topics like cultural practices for disease control or about seed treatments or non-chemical control. The organization of this website and its content makes it a very high valuable site for plant pathologists. Do not miss to visit this extraordinary site.

UC Pest Management and Identification, University of California State Wide Integrated Pest Management Project (UC IPM). This database gives you access to the pest management guidelines developed by specialists, farm advisors, and researchers of UC's Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Guidelines are available for: Agricultural Crops, Commercial Turf and Home & Landscape. Also available is a glossary. Go to a section of interest where you will get detailed information about pest insects or mites, diseases caused by fungi, viruses or bacteria, nematodes, weeds. Each single guideline gives information on symptoms, control, treatments and more. A highly useful resource.

The UMass Tree Fruit Advisor, UMass Extension, University of Massachusetts, USA. The UMass Tree Fruit Advisor contains timely information and resources on managing tree fruit, primarily apples. The site is focused on commercial apple growers in Massachusetts. It includes information on other deciduous tree fruits including peaches, pears, plums and cherries. It includes links to "The New England Apple Pest Management Guide", "The New England Peach, Pear and Plum Pest Management Guide", the quarterly extension research publication "Fruit Notes", "The Annual March Message to Massachusetts Apple Growers" (an entomologically oriented IPM publication), and to other sites dealing with apple management, particularly those in New England. The site also lists personnel at the University of Massachusetts who work on tree fruit.

Wheat Diseases and Pests: a guide for field identification, original text written by J. M. Prescott, P. A. Burnett, E. E. Saari, J. Ranson, J. Bowman, W. de Milliano, R. P. Singh, G. Bekele, published by CYMMIT, Mexico. Contents: Guide to Diagnosis, Fungal, Bacterial and Viral Diseases, Insect Pests, Nematodes, Physiological & Genetic Disorders, Mineral & Environmental Stresses, Glossary. The Guide to Diagnosis is kept short and leads you to the possible disorders. This booklet is designed as a quick guide for identifying wheat and triticale diseases in the field. The text comprises a rief description of the major wheat and triticale diseases, pests, stresses and disorders. Complementing this text and as an aid to the identification are numerous color photographs. A European Mirror Site is available from Grain Genes Database. Highly useful resource on the web and makes it a tip in this section and for those interested in wheat an abolute must.

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Agricultural Sites:

Agricultural Information Network Center (AgNIC), a distributed network to provide access to agriculture-related information, subject area experts, and other resources in a manner in which the physical location of the resources is transparent to users. Sponsored Resources: Agricultural Database (AgDB), AGRICOLA, Conferences, Directories of Experts in Agriculture, Rangeland Management Information System.

Agricultural & Natural Resources Informations Systems (AgNIS), maintained by the Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University. AgNIS develops software systems to facilitate the use of information technology in educational programs. Available: Crops, Communications & Connectivity, Support & Training, Computing Solutions, Organizational Information and more.

Agriculture Online, published and maintained by Meredith Corporation. Services around agriculture and farming. Available: Markets, Weather, successfull farming, crosslinks, discussion groups (Talk), guides, news and more. You will also find plant pathology related information, but this website is dedicated to the world of farming. Nevertheless one should visit this starting point for agriculture.

Agricultural Research Srevice (ARS) at Urbana, Illinois. Research Units: Plant Physiology and Genetics, Crop Protection, Photosynthesis. Crop Protection Topics: weed management, foliar soybean diseases, viral diseases in cereals (BYDV), pest management strategies. Development of improved pest management systems that are efficient and environmentally safe.

The Agricultural Workstation, Useful Technologies Inc. Agricultural Market information and news, including futures and options analytics and hedging techniques. Farm Management and analysis. Agriculture Commodity Prices, Option Prices, reports, companies & organizations, answers (includes plant pathology), directories, weather...Needs a Java capable browser.

AgriGator: Agricultural and Related Information: Commercial Sites. Sections (selected): Entomology, Farm & Garden, Plants & Flowers, Forest, Pest Management, Fruit ... and more.

AgriSurf, a large searchable agricultural WWW index. This index contains also plant pathology related sites in sections 'Crops' or 'Research & Education', but in its concept is intended as a general index for agriculture. Most of the sites are rated by speed and reliability. It features the AgriSurfer, an HTML compliant email newsletter for agriculture.

C.A.F.F.E.I.N.E.: Canada's Agrifood Directory, Canadian Agriculture, Farm and Food: Extension Information Network and Exchange. This directory is divide into several topics like market, weather, news. You can find plant pathology related information in 'Pest Management' or 'weed control', but also in some of the other topics. It provides mainly information for agriculture in Canada. The directory is searchable and you can narrow down your search by selecting a region within Canada.

Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research: CGIAR is to promote sustainable agriculture for food security in developing countries

Deutsches Agrarinformationsnetz (DAINet), German Agricultural Information Network: Search Catalogue for Information about Food, Agriculture and Forestry.

Florida Agricultural Information Retrieval system (FAIRS), Institute of Food & Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida

Information Service for Agriculture (ISA), includes: Label and MSDS Management System, where you find information on pesticides, searchable by product type and company, requires ADOBE Acrobat Reader Software, to get this software see tips and useful software; Agricultural Information Search System, find information and articles by keywords

Mulch-Base Agriculture Group's Home Page, under the auspices of Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture, and Development

National Agricultural Pest Information System (NAPIS), maintained by the Center for Environmental and Regulatory Information Systems (CERIS). This is the database for the Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS) and is a starting point to highly useful resources on the web. It leads you to the Karnal Bunt Survey or tp Pest/Biocontrol Information. Here you find names & addresse as well as State comments & information. It includes the NAPIS user guide, CAPS program guide book and APHIS environmental manual.

Newsletters and Reports from AGIS, Agricultural Genome Information Server. Reports for different Plants (Barley, Tomato, Curcubit, Trees, Rice). In each volume of the reports you will also find articles on diseases ( e. g. Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus or soil borne pathogens on tomato in Vol 43 of the 'Report Letters of the Tomato Genetic Cooperative').

Rick's Ag Links, a list of of Agricultural Information, Ag Business, Ag Organizations, Commodity Groups, Crops and Livestock, Extension Service, Government, GPS, Markets, Newsgroups, Online Magazines, Other Ag Info, Precision Farming and University links.

Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food (SAF), Government of Saskatchewan, Canada. Information on Crops, Soils, Livestock, Management, Marketing, Food. Newsletters, Programs, Research. In section Production you will find information on various crops and on crop protection.

Small-holder Agricultural Development: Special programmes in East and Southern Africa. Topics: Farming System Programme, AGROTEC: Agricultural Operations Technology for Smallholders in East and Southern Africa, Plant Protection Improvement Programme,

Texas Agricultural Extension Service Publications, Agricultural Communications / Texas Agricultural Extension Service, The Texas A&M University System / College Station, USA. Includes Plant Pathology, Entomology, Soil & Crop Science. Available in English and Spanish.

USDA-Agricultural Research Service (ARS), Urbana, Illinois. The ARS at Urbana, IL is comprised of three Management Units: Plant Physiology and Genetics, Crop Protection, and Photosynthesis.

The World Wide Web Virtual Library: AGRICULTURE

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Plant Quarantine:

Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS): Plants & Grains, Commonwealth of Australia. This service is one part of AQIS dealing with qurantine concerns of plants, plant products, pests and related topics. Available: (I) Importing plants, grains and fresh produce (including importation of genetically modified plants, weed assessment of new plant imports, pest leaflets, importation of biological control agents of weeds & invertebrates, Northern Australia Quarantine Strategy target lists, requirements for importing biological control agents for weeds & invertebrates), (II) Exporting plants, grains and fresh produce (e.g. International standards for phytosanitising measures), (III) Import risk analyses, (IV) Fees and charges, (V) Report an incident.

EPPO Plant Quarantine, European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO/OEPP), Paris, France. Plant quarantine is one of the aims of EPPO. EPPO has developed the A1 and A2 quarantine lists, as well as the phytosanitary measures. Available: plant quarantine and qurantine pest information, electronic documentation service, EPPO Pest Risk Assessment Scheme (PRA) as well as links to the other sections of EPPO (not described here).

FAO: Plant Quarantine, Plant Protection Service, Agricultural Department of the FAO (AGPP), Rome, Italy. Available Information: By clicking on Plant Qurantine you will be guided to the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC). In International Trade you will find the phytosanitary standard-setting process abd Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures by WTO.

Plant Protection, Plant Protection Division (PPD), Canadian Food Inspection Agency. PPD's key activities are to prevent the entry and spread of quarantine pests of plants to Canada and foreign countries. Available here: Acts & Regulations, Directives, Plant Quarantine Import Requirements (PQIR), Programs/Services, Science Centres of Expertise and more.

Plant Protection & Quarantine (PPQ), Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), USDA. Activities: Karnal Bunt Page, PPQ Permits, National Agricultural Pest Information System (NAPIS), Facilitating Agricultural Exports, Traveler's Tips (On Bringing Food, Plant, and Animal Products Into the United States), and more. Further available: PPQ Organizations & Mission, Programs, Phone Directory. Links.

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Taxonomy & Systematics:

Indices Nomium Supragenericorum Plantarum Vascularium, International Association for Plant Taxonomy, Norton-Brown Herbarium at the University of Maryland. The project's purpose is to capture all valid and legitimate extant vascular plants names proposed above the rank of genus. There are four database available: search for names (genus, family), concordance of family names, systems of classification of extant vascular plant families, phylogenetic systems of classification of magnoliophyta.

Systematics of fungi in the genus Tilletia, developed by the staff of the Systematic Botany and Mycology Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, USDA, USA. You can select a list of accepted taxa, identification by spore morphology or host species. You can also search the database.

Systematics Solves Problems in Agriculture and Forestry, written by A.Y. Rossman & D.R. Miller, USDA-Agriculture Research Service, Systematic Botany and Mycology Laboratory, Systematic Entomology Laboratory, Beltsville, USA. Topics covered by this document (selected): Understanding of Pest Organisms, discovering and developing biological agents to control agricultural pests and pathogens, pests and pathogens that destroy forests and more. Get detailed information on different topics and the relation to systematics. Most chapters are accompanied by photos. Content: Abstract, introduction, agricluture, forestry, conclusions, and literature cited.

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