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...from A to Z
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... from A to Z:

The Actimocycetes-Streptomyces Internet Resource Center (ASIRC). Directory of Researchers, Databases, Links, Meetings, On-line Library, Methods and Techniques.

Airborne Pathogens of Cereals - COST 817, European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST). Population Studies of Airborne Pathogens on Cereals as a Means of Improving Strategies for Disease Control. Description of research, Reports & news, participating scientists, scientific missions, future activities, Rust-Mildew e-mail bulletin board. COST 817 is coordinated by six working groups (Virulence surveys & testing methods, Research on crop variety and species mixtures, database of genetic information about plant pathogens, host plant resistance, epidemiology, fungicide resistance). The main objects are mildews and rusts of wheat and barley, and Septoria tritici.

Aspergillus Web Site, hosted by School of Biological Sciences, Manchester University, UK. Register on first visit. Detailed content on all aspects of Aspergillus pathogenesis and research, more constantly being added. Curently downloadable images, Laboratory protocols and research discussion lists are available.

Anamorph Information Network (AnaNET), Eastern Cereal and Oilseed Research Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Research Branch, Canada. AnaNET is an informal network on the taxonomy of anamorphic fungi and the identification of these fungi. It is primarily a quarterly newsletter.

Botanical Epidemiology and Modelling Group, Department of Plant Science, University of Cambridge, UK. Research Interests: Spatial and temporal models for soil-borne plant disease, spatial and temporal spread of diseases, monoclonal antibodies to detect and quantify populations of Rhizoctonia solani and Trichoderma viride, Forecasting the severity and spread of Rhizomania in the U.K., Epidemics in spatially structured populations... and more. Further available information: Recent Papers, available studentships, contact. Dictionary of epidemiology.

Bruns Lab, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, University of California, Berkeley. Research: Ectomycorrhizal ecology, evolution of rust fungi, evolution of ectomycorrhizal Basidomycetes, Population Genetics of the root-rot pathogen Heterobasidion annosum. Available Information: Personnel, tour the lab, fungi images (mushrooms, mycorrhizal fungi part I+II, rust fungi), primer sequences & maps (18S, 28S, ITS...) and links.

Cereal Disease Laboratory, U.S. Department of Agriculture - Agriculture Research Service, located at St. Pauls Campus, Univ. Minnesota. Research: Rust race monitoring program, rust resistance, mechanisms of resistance, molecular biology of rusts, barberry testing, sequence data, epidemiology, genetics of rust resistance. Further available: What's New, publications, rust bulletins, rust losses, resistance genes, Fusarium head blight, Karnal Bunt, and an image gallery.

CEREPAT - Cereal Pathology, participating laboratories: Carlsberg Laborartory, Denmark, University of Hamburg, Germany and Sainsbury Laboratory, United Kingdom. Information about research, contact and discussion forum. Covered topics include: Identification of pathogenicity determinants, Fungal Proteins and Genes, in-planta-expressed genes, fungal pathogenicity, plant resistance, gene tagging, promoter trapping or scald of barley among others. Pathogesn: Gaeumannomyces graminis, Blumeria graminis, Claviceps purpurea, Cladosporium fulvum, Pyrenophora teres, Rhynchosporium secalis. You will find detailed research information.

Collection of soil-borne fungi, Institute of Arable Crop Research (IACR), U.K. This collection was created by the Cereal Root Pathology Group. Therefore many of the isolates relate to the Gaeumannomyces-Phialophora complex of fungi. You can search the collection. Contact address.

David B. Collinge's Home Page, Section for Plant Pathology, Department of Plant Biology, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (KVL), Denmark. Their main subject is the defences activated in barley against powdery mildew. Other current organisms include arabidopsis, wheat and maize. Research Topics: Active oxygen compounds, phenylpropanoid biosynthesis in barley, the role of the 14-3-3 protein family in stress & disease resistance, PR-proteins, early and epidermis-specific defence mechanisms and molecular genetic manipulation of existing resistance mechanisms. Further available: General information, staff and some more.

Common Diseases of Roses, by R.W. Delbridge & J. Morton, Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture and Marketing. From the contents: Preventing Disease Problems, Black Spot, Powdery Mildew, Rose Rust, Cultivar Reactions to Common Diseases, and further information.

The Delaney Lab, Terrence P. Delaney Laboratory, Department of Plant Pathology, Cornell University. Research in this lab is focused on molecular aspects of plant-pathogen interactions and mechanisms of plant defense responses mainly on bacterial and fungal diseases of Arabidopsis. Research Topics: Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR) in plants, multiple roles of Salicylic Acid in Disease Resistance, mutants unable to develop SAR, mutants that constitutively express SAR. Further available: Protocols (DNA & RNA preparation methods), people (visit the Lab) and some selected Links.

Diagnostic Key to Major Tree Fruit Diseases, the University Experiment Farm at Kearneysville, University of West Virginia. This key is a modification of that presented originally by M. R. Schwarz and T. J. Burr, 1984, New York's Food and Life Sciences Bulletin Number 108, Diagnostic Keys for Identification of Diseases on Apple, Peach, and Cherry Trees in the Northeastern United States. The diagnostic keys for deciduous tree fruit diseases were developed to aid field personnel in the identification of diseases that are common to the mid-Atlantic region of the United States. You can decide wether to go through the identification key to diagnose a causal organism or you can skip the key and go directly to the photographic index. Here you will find high resolution pictures. The key and the extraordinary photographs of symptoms and diseases. Makes it a tip for this section! Do not miss to visit it!

Digital Exsiccate of Fungi, Botany and Mycology, University of Tübingen, Germany. An online database offering descriptions of fungi complemented by detailed illustrations.

Forest Mycology and Mycorrhiza Research Team, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Corvallis, Oregon, USA. Research on the biology and ecology of forest fungi in Pacific Northwest forest ecosystems.

Fungal Genetic Stock Center (FGSC), Dep. of Microbiology, Univ. of Kansas Medical Center. The Fungal Genetics Stock Center is a resource available to the Fungal Genetics research community and to educational and research organizations in general. The FGSC is funded largely by the National Science Foundation of the United States of America and to a lesser extent by the payments made by researchers who use our services. Available Services: Collections of Neurospora, Aspergillus, Sordaria, and Fusarium & Nectria. Fungal Genetics Newsletter, gene libraries, Methods, recipes & hints, mailing list, Neurospora compendium, news, on-line order form.

Fungal Plant Pathology, Scottish Crop Research Institute (SCRI). Cereal Pathology: Studies of disease resistance expression and integrated strategies for enhancing disease control including understanding the mechanisms of polygenic resistance, cultivar mixtures, resistance elicitors and disease tolerance.

Fungi Perfecti On-Line, distribution of cultures, tools and technologies for the cultivation of gourmet and medicinal mushrooms.

Induced Resistance & Mycorrhizal Research, mycological working group at the Institute for Plant Diseases and Plant Protection (IPP), University of Hanover. Systemic Acquired Resistance against obligat biotrophic fungi, Mechanisms of Induced Resistance, Interactions between mycorrhizal fungi and rhizosphere organisms, practical application of induced resistance.

Introduction to the Fungi, Of athlete's foot, champignons, and beer... University of California, Museum of Paleontology. Learn more about the Fungi: Fossil Records, Life History & Ecology, Systematics, More on Morphology. Links to other pages. You can also go directly to (Take a Lift to) Any Taxon, Any Period, Any Topic. Also available is a glossary and help.

IUPAC Mycotoxin Working Group, Food Chemistry Commission, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). Information: Mycotoxin Projects, regulations, Publications and Testing. Mycotoxin Meetings. Links to sites with Information on Mycotoxins and Food Safety.

Lupin Anthracnose, maintained by AgWeb Information Server, Agriculture Western Australia. This fungal disease (caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) is considered the most serious disease of lupins in all major lupin growing countries. Available Information: crop disease alerts, pictures of the disease, reports and documents on the disease, protocols (e. g. for field and research staff, searching for disease), media releases (e. g. industry support, action to stop anthracnose) and updates on Anthracnose disease.

MoreCrop (Managerial Options for Reasonable Economical Control of Rusts and Other Pathogens), part of the GrowServ Web Site located at Washington State University. MoreCrop is an information technology system for managing diseases of wheat in the Pacific Northwest (PNW). Available: abstract, how to use MoreCrop, history, features, reference manual, MoreCrop Developers, and Downloads, wher you can download the program and manual.

MycoElectronica, msuhrooms, mushrooms links, databases and newsletters, mushrooms poisons.

Mycological Resources on the Internet, the WWW Virtual Library Mycology is an index to all mycological internet resources. It is maintained by K. Hodge (Dept. of Plant Pathology, Cornell University). The site is divided into the following subdirectories: (1) About these pages, (2) Collections of fungi (herbaria, culture collections), (3) Directories of mycologists and mycological labs, (4) Discussion groups, newsletters, books & serials, (5) Molecular genetics, (6) General resources: fungal taxonomy, biology, plant pathology, (7) Mushroom collecting, mycophagy, mushroom cultivation, (8) Teaching and learning about fungi, and (9) Index to all resources. This very comprehensive website is a tip in this section.

Mycology and Plant Pathology Research at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. Index: Ascomycetes & Lichenes, Basidiomycetes, Plant Parasites.

Myko Web, by M. Wood. Myko Web is a WWW page for the science of mycology and the hobby of mushrooming. You will find a good colection of photos, recipes and links to other mushroom pages. Also available a list of mushroom clubs and societies as well as mushroom shows.

Myxomycetes Homepage. Available Information: Introduction, What are Myxomycetes?, geographical distribution, ecology, collection & culture, classification & identification (with an interactive key), Who studies Myxomycetes (a brief history), world directory of researchers, and snowbank myxomycetes.

Oakwilt Management Program, Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, Texas A&M University. An eight step program written by J. Johnson & D. Appel for reducing losses to the oak wilt fungus. (1) Identify the Problem, (2) Create a Buffer Zone, (3) Sanitation, (4) Pruning, (5) Protecting Pruning Cuts or Wounds, (6) Firewood, (7) Tree Injection With Systemic Fungicide, and (8) Replanting. The single steps are accompanied by pictures (e. g. symptoms).

Pathogenicity and avirulence genes of plant pathogens: new and emerging techniques for their identification and isolation." Handouts from the workshop held on March 21 at the 18th Fungal Genetics Conference/Asiolmar Conference Center/Pacific Grove, CA.

Plant Diseases, ICAR - Inventory of Canadian Agri-Food Research: Information on Projects concerning Plant Diseases, divided into categories.

Plant Diseases, a NebGuide published by the Cooperative Extension, Inst. of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Univ. Nebraska Lincoln. Here you will find fungal diseases of Ornamentals, Trees, Field Crops, Fruits, Vegetables, and Turf. Examples: Powdery Mildew of Roses, Rust, Septoria and many more. Each article gives information on symptoms, disease cycle and control. With images.

Plant Diseases of Delaware, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Delaware. Information (postscript versions) on several diseases like apple scab, rusts, canker, wilt.

Plant Health Services, University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Wisconsin-Extension. Turfgrass Disease Diagnostic Lab, Turfgrass Management Hotline, Field Crop Diseases (e.g. Phytophthora on Soybean).

Plasmodiophorid Homepage, coordinated by J.P. Braselton, Department of Environmental and Plant Biology, Ohio University, Athens, USA. Contents: Introduction, General References, Genera, Special Topics, Life Cycle, Images, Plasmodiophorid Related Sites.

Plasmodiophorids: Molecular Studies of the Plasmodiophorids, Crop and Disease Management Department, IACR-Rothamsted, UK. This site describes molecular information available for members of the Plasmodiophorales. Content: DNA-based characterisation & identification, Taxonomic implications of rDNA data, Antibody detection, Other molecular work (e.g. uptake of host DNA by Plasmodiophora), References, and links.

Program for the Biology of Filamentous Fungi (PBOFF), Departments of Plant Pathology & Microbiology, Biology, and Biochemistry & Biophysiscs, Texas A&M University. Available information: Introduction, research opportunities, pathogenicity, biological control, fungal metabolism, gene regulation and more.

Rhizoctonia Committee & Newsletter. The International Rhizoctonia Committee of the International Society of Plant Pathology (ISPP). The webpage contains the following information: Mission & Aims, Committee Members (contact details, their function), Rhizoctonia Newsletters, relevant meetings, links, job vacancies.

Rice Blast Database (RiceBlastDB), maintained by Agricultural Genome Information Service (AGIS, see Database section of PPIGB for details on AGIS). The database covers topics on the the rice blast Fungus Magnaporthe grisea. You can browse the database by author, disease reaction, isolate, journal, keyword, pathology, polymorphism and more. If you need help go to the AGIS homepage and select the Tutorial.

Row Crops Pathology Project, Plant Science Department, South Dakota State University. The Row Crops Pathology Project at SDSU focuses on diseases of soybeans, corn, and sunflower.We are primarily concerned with row crop diseases caused by fungi. Available: 1994-1995 Phytophthora Field Trials and some Links.

Sclerotinia Workshop (Proceedings), a Minnesota/North Dakota In-Service Extension Workshop, Fargo, North Dakota, USA. The workshop was held on January 21, 1998. From the table of contents: (1) Biology, (2) Spore Formation, Transport, and Infection, (3) Disease Losses, (4) Resistance to White Mold in Dry Bean, (5) Genetic Differences, (6) Resistance to Sclerotinia Stalk Rot, (7) Fungicides, (8) Selected Sclerotinia References, and (9) Sclerotinia Web Sites. The proceedings are also available in book form from here.

Soil Ecology and Restoration Group (SERG), College of Sciences, Biology Department, San Diego State University. Arbuscular Mycorrhiza, Publications, Information on Current Research and Personnel.

Spongospora Homepage, a place for information and communication exchange on different aspects of the pathogen Spongospora

Symbiosis, antagonism and plant/soil interactions, The Werner Group, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Department of Biology, Germany. Research Topics: Rhizobium/legume symbiosis, Ecology of nitrogen fixation, Antagonistic interactions in the rhizosphere, Arbuscular mycorrhiza, the role of herbaceous plants in soil restoration of soils contaminated with nitroaromatic cmpounds. Information on Projects, Staff, Publications.

Tom Volk's Fungi, Center for Forest Mycology Research, Forest Products Lab, University of Wisconsin, Madison: includes images of fungi

Zoosporic Fungi Online. Maintained by M. Fuller & J. Longcore.

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