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Notes from the Author:

January 7, 1998:
Form Problems
The following problem occured: Forms were not delivered via internet to the author of PPIGB.
The reason: Until now - unknown, but we are working on it.
Please apologize any inconvenience. If you have used a form in PPIGB (for submitting a meeting, position or URL) and you did not get any notification from me that I have received your form contact me by
The On-Line Forms of PPIGB are temporarily not working. Please submit any information via e-mail. The forms are now disabled until the problem is solved. Use the links in the menu on the left (Add/Change URL, Submit meeting, Submit Position) to get detailed information how to submit information via e-mail to PPIGB.

Thank you for your patience
Sincerely yours
Thorsten Kraska

October 26, 1997:
Changes in Section Pesticides
It became necessary to change the structure of the Pesticide Section in PPIGB, because there are so many sites listed that one could loss the overview. As a new sub-section in PPIGB "Pesticide Education" was introduced into Pesticides. It opened on October 26 with 5 listed websites, but it is sure that this section will expand over the next weeks.

September 14, 1997:
First Anniversary of PPIGB
Yes, PPIGB is now one year old. Time to thank all who helped me to make this website successful. And there a lot of people to thank. First all of you who have visited PPIGB during the last year and send me their feedback. I hope you will come back. Many people helped me to improve PPIGB by sending me new URLs or reporting broken links. I would also like to thank all those helping me creating mirror sites in Australia, the United Kingdom and Germany.

During this first year a lot of things were changed or improved. In the beginning of this year the layout was completely revised. New categories were built up. Two of the new sections (Forest & Tree Pathology, Turfgrass) were suggestions from you. Others like "Glossaries" were created to improve clarity in PPIGB. One of the latest improvements was the SEARCH feature. This feature brought up a new dimension in PPIGB. Now you have the possibility to search PPIGB by keyword. The search function uses additional keywords for each website, which are hidden in PPIGB. These additional keywords can only be found in PPIGB.

Many website owners have made backlinks to PPIGB. Thank you very much for this honour. The British Society for Plant Pathology (BSPP) was the first Phytopathological Society which became a host of PPIGB. Other Societies have backlinked to it and advice their members to use it like the Italian Society. In August PPIGB was reviewed in the "Phytopathology News" of the American Phytopathological Society (APS). And a few month befor by HMS Beagle and BioMedNet, an On-Line Science Journal. Very recently PPIGB was awarded as a TOP 5% Resource on the Web by LYCOS.

The future of PPIGB and personal wishes: I have many ideas of what can be realized or should be realized. PPIGB will expand to a website where people can submit their own ideas. I called this "The Readers Corner". A few things will be created and developed in the near future. I would also like to establish an American Website of PPIGB, so that loading time will decrease for those users. And there a lot of other ideas, which I might have the chance to realize in cooperation with you.

Thanks to all
Thorsten Kraska

August 17, 1997:
New: Reader's Corner
A new section opens this week in PPIGB. The "Reader's Corner". The place in PPIGB for your opinion and your contributions. It started with Website Reviews from the readers of PPIGB. I would like to invite all of you to participate to put life into this new section. It will be open to every idea which can be realize within PPIGB.
Go now to the Reader's Corner.

July 27, 1997:
PPIGB Search (1): NEW
PPIGB is now searchable. The new feature is a perl based script, which allows to seach PPIGB by keyword(s). First, select if you want to search the entire guide book or choose one or more sections of interests. Second, enter your keywords and select an operator. Then start the search.
PPIGB search is just in the beginning and I would be very thankful for any comment on this new feature. Please, tell me how it can be improved. What features do you would like to see?
I would like to invite all websites owner to try to find their own site with sthis search function. If you are unable to find it with your keywords you will have the possibility to submit me keywords for your site. They will be added to the 'not visible' keywordset within PPIGB.

August 10, 1997:
PPIGB Search (2): Keywords
The keyword option was added to the SEARCH feature. As default the additional keywords will be displayed in the search results, but you can disable this function by clicking on the check box.

I would also like to invite all website's owner to check the keywords given with their link and to submit me their own keywords. You can submit as many as you like.

Not finding your website with PPIGB-SEARCH? Then try to find it by the URL address. You can search for URL addresses (e.g. www.mysite.com) in PPIGB. If you URL has changed, try your old URL. Maybe I have missed to update it.

The SEARCH in PPIGB is a text only feature. If you have problems with loading time you can use the SEARCH page instead of the homepage. To dispaly all websites within one category simply type as keyword "a".

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PPIGB Home © Thorsten Kraska , 1997
all rights reserved