14. Penium
1. | Frond granulate or striate | 2
Frond smooth | 3
2. | Granules arranged in longitudinal rows | margaritaceum
Granules scattered | Cylindrus
3. | Endochrome transversely divided into four portions | interruptum
Endochrome not divided into more than two portions | 4
4. | Frond lanceolate, fusiform or elliptic | 5
Frond cylindrical | 6
5. | Frond elliptic; fillets undulating | Digitus
Frond lanceolate or fusiform; fillets straight | closterioides
6. | Ends truncate | truncatum
Ends rounded | 7
7. | Sporangium orbicular; conjugated fronds deciduous | Jenneri
Sporangium at first quadrate ; conjugated fronds persistent | Brebissonii
15. Docidium
1. | Frond neither constricted nor inflated | ?asperum
Frond constricted; segments mostly inflated at the base | 2
2. | Suture inconspicuous; segments not inflated | minutum
Suture distinct; segments inflated at their base | 3
3. | Frond stout; suture projecting at the sides | 4
Frond slender; suture not projecting | 5
4. | Segments with one inflation; extremities attenuated | truncatum
Segments with several inflations; extremities not attenuated. | nodulosum
5. | Extremities clavate | clavatum
Extremities not clavate | 6
6. | Ends bordered with tubercles | Ehrenbergii
Ends destitute of tubercles | Baculum
16. Closterium
1. | Frond suddenly constricted at each end into a conical point | attenuatum
Frond not constricted at the ends | 2
2. | Frond striated, tapering into a beak at each end, lower margin prominent at the middle | 3
Frond not rostrate; if stnated, its lower margin not prominent at the middle | 6
3. | Beaks setaceous, as long as or longer than the body | 4
Beaks linear, much shorter than the body | 5
4. | Beaks much longer than the body | setaceum
Beaks about as long as the body | rostratum
5. | Frond much inflated at the middle, rapidly tavering at each end | Ralfsii
Frond slightly inflated at the middle, gradually tapering at each end | lineatum
6. | Frond minute, acicular. sporangium cruciform | 7
Frond not acicular; sporangium orbicular | 8
7. | Ends obtuse | Cornu
Ends acute | acutum
8. | Frond semilunate or semilanceolate, the lower margin inclined upwards at the ends | 9
Frond having either truncate ends or its lower margin inclined downwards at the ends | 12
12. | Vesicles numerous, scattered | Lunula
Vesicles in a longitudinal row | 10
10. | Ends of frond slightly curved upwards; striae distinct | turgidum
Ends of frond straight; striae none or indistinct | 11
11. | Frond linear-lanceolate; ends conical, obtuse | acerosum
Frond semilanceolate; ends subacute | lanceolatum
12. | Frond smooth, crescent-shaped | 13
Frond either not crescent-shaped or else distinctly striated | 17
13. | Vesicles numerous, scattered | Ehrenbergii
Vesicles in a longitudinal row | 14
14. | Empty frond colourless; ends rounded | 15
Empty frond usually reddish; ends subacute | 16
15. | Lower margin of frond inflated at the middle | moniliferum
Frond not inflated at the middle | Jenneri
16. | Frond inflated at the middle | Leibleinii
Frond slender, not inflated at the middle | Dianae
17. | Lower margin of frond inclined upwards at the truncate ends; striae none or indistinct | didymotocum
Ends of frond inclined downwards ; striae distinct | 18
18. | Striae three to seven, prominent | 19
Striae numerous, fine | 20
19. | Frond semilunate or crescent-shaped | costatum
Frond linear | angustatum
20. | Frond narrow-linear, nearly straight | juncidum
Frond tapering, curved | 21
21. | Striae crowded; sutures one to three | striolatum
Striae not crowded; sutures usually more than three | intermedium
17. Spirotaenia
| Spire solitary, broad, conspicuous | condensata
Spires several, narrow, obscure | obscura
18. Ankistrodesmus
| | falcatus.
19 Pediastrum
1. | Lobes of marginal cells bifid or truncato-emarginate | 2
Lobes of marginal cells entire | 3
2. | Cells four | Tetras
Cells seven, circularly disposed round a central one | Heptactis
Cells eleven, circularly disposed round five or six central ones | biradiatum
3. | Marginal cells crescent-shaped; connecting substance coloured | Selenaea
Cells not crescent-shaped; connecting substance hyaline | 4
4. | Cells granulate | granulatum
Cells smooth | 5.
5. | Lobes of marginal cells terminated by obtuse processes | ellipticum
Lobes of marginal cells acute | 6
6. | Marginal cells with notches as wide as the cells | pertusum
Notches much narrower than the cells | 7
7. | Marginal cells four | simplex
Marginal cells more than four | 8
8. | Six cells circularly disposed round two central ones | Napoleonis
Cells arranged in two or more circles | 9
9. | Lobes of marginal cells angular, not tapering | angulosum
Lobes of marginal cells tapering | Boryanum
20. Scenedesmus
1. | Cells obtuse | 2
Cells acute or acuminate | 3
2. | Cells cylindrical or oblong | quadricauda |
Cells ovate | obtusus
3. | Cells ventricose at the middle | 4
Cells slender, not at all ventricose | 5
4. | Cells in a single Zigzag row | acutus
Cells either in two rows or not zigzag | obliquus
5. | Outer cells crescent-shaped, inner straight, all approximate | dimorphus
Cells curved, distant | duplex