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Rhynie Chert Pictures

During our holiday in Scotland in 1983 we went to the village of Rhynie in the hope of finding some pieces of the famous Rhynie Chert. We didn't succeed because of the inaccessibility of the layers.

We visited Dr. A.G.Lyon, who lived in Rhynie and who did extensive research on the plant remains in the Rhynie Chert. He showed us some beautiful fossils and gave us four small pieces of the fossiliferous material. Dr. Lyon passed away in 1997.

Hans de Kruijk from Leerdam made 72 slides from these four pieces of chert, which turned out to give a marvellous view of the contents of the silicified marsh of Rhynie.

The photos in this 'atlas' have been made by him at my indication.
Later on Hans de Kruijk has made more slides from materiaal he got from the Manchester University. Photos from these thin sections are also includes. They are indicated with HdK.

You may find a brief description of the significance of the Rhynie Chert in the paper 'The oldest land plants (2)'. The photos in that paper have also been included in this section.

The place where the Rhynie Chert has been found

The place where the Rhynie Chert is found.


Rhynia gwynne-vaughanii

Asteroxylon mackiei

Horneophyton lignieri

Aglaophyton major

Nothia aphylla


Animal remains
