Workshops / Exhibits / Seminars
about upcoming Workshops, Exhibits or Seminars
12-15 August
Link 2000 Workshop
Ferris State University Big Rapids, MI
Workshop Application Information]
A 2 day workshop on using C-Fern to introduce research-based experiments
into introductory biology courses and to promote independent research
activities by students. This workshop will cover culture requirements,
a detailed examination of C-Fern gametophyte and sporophyte development,
overview of the available C-Fern mutants and the setup and analysis
of C-Fern investigations on development, ecology and genetics.
Attendance at this workshop requires submission of an application -- For
additional information contact Research
Link 2000
23-26 July 2000
Project Kaleidoscope
(PKAL) 2000Summer Institute
(Workshop Series C - The
Future of Plant Biology)
Keystone Resort and Conference Center, Keystone CO
Workshop and Registration Information]
June 2000
CUR 2000 National Conference
The College of Wooster, Wooster OH
A presentation by Research
Link 2000 coupled with workshop sessions that will illustrate the
use of C-Fern to promote independent undergraduate research. Participants
in this double session will learn how to prepare cultures, complete investigations
and analyze data involving gametophyte and sporophyte development, germination,
fertilization, chemotaxis and mono- and dihybrid crosses.
22-24 June 2000
2001 Conference
Fralin Biotechnology Center ,Virginia Tech,
Blacksburg, VA
A workshop covering the use of C-Fern in
the biology laboratory and for student-initiated independent research
activities. The workshop will cover culture and manipulation of C-Fern,
a detailed examination of gametophyte and sporophyte development, overview
of the available mutants and the setup and analysis of various C-Fern
investigations on development, ecology and genetics.
6-9 April 2000
NSTA (National Science Teachers Association)
National Convention, Orlando, FL
Exhibit booth sponsored by the American
Society of Plant Physiology. Check out our demonstration basic C-Fern
culture, development and C-Fern sperm chemotaxis. Find out how
you can incorporate C-Fern into your biology classroom. Inoculate
and take home your own miniculture! We will be co-exhibiting with Wisconsin
Fast Plants
27-30 October 1999
National Association of Biology Teachers
(NABT) 1999 National Convention & Exhibition Ft Worth, TX
Exhibit booth. Learn how you can use C-Fern in your classroom and
take home your own C-Fern miniculture and see C-Fern sperm
chemotaxis in action
Link 2000 Summer Institute, Ferris State University, 12-15 August
1999 |
12-15 August 1999
Research Link 2000 Summer
Institute, Ferris State, MI
intensive 2 day workshop covering the application of C-Fern in
the biology laboratory and for independent research activities. The workshop
will cover culture requirements, a detailed examination of C-Fern
gametophyte and sporophyte development, overview of the available C-Fern
mutants and the setup and analysis of C-Fern investigations on
development, ecology and genetics. Attendance at this workshop requires
submission of an application -- For additional information contact Research
Link 2000
Science Teachers Association, Boston MA, 24-28 March 1999
24-28 March 1999
(National Science Teachers Association), Boston MA
Exhibit booth sponsored by the American
Society of Plant Physiology demonstrating basic C-Fern culture
and development and C-Fern Sperm Chemotaxis. Inoculate your own miniculture!
We will be co-exhibiting with Wisconsin Fast Plants
19-21 November 1998
NSTA (National Science Teachers Association)
- Southern Regional, Birmingham, AL
Short Workshop demonstrating C-Fern Sperm
Chemotaxis. The dramatic chemotactic response of C-Fern sperm is
an exciting way to integrate chemistry and biology.
29 October 1998
TSTA (Tennessee Science Teachers Association) - Nashville, TN
15-17 October 1998
West Virginia Science Conference, Snowshoe, WV.
Exhibit booth demonstrating basic C-Fern
culture and development. Try your hand at spore sterilization!
August 1998
Research Link 2000 Workshop,
Carleton College, Northfield, MN
Workshop on using C-Fern as an research-based experimental system
in undergraduate biology courses
June 1998
American Society of Plant Physiologists,
Madison WI
Pre-meeting workshop and Educational Demonstration Booth - C-Fern:
Research in the Classroom
April 1998
National Science Teachers Association
- National Meeting, Las Vegas, NV
March 1998
Appalachian Rural Systemic Initiative
- Instructional Materials Showcase, Charleston, WV
Exhibit of C-Fern materials
December 1997
National Science Teachers Association
- Regional Meeting, Nashville, TN
November 1997
Research Link 2000 Conference,
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, WI
June 1997
Association for Biology Laboratory
Education, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Major workshop: Laboratory Investigations With C-Fern (Ceratopteris
December 1996
National Science Teachers Association,
San Francisco, CA
ASPP sponsored presentation of educational activities
August 1996
American Society of Plant Physiology,
San Antonio, TX
Educational Demonstration booth: Ceratopteris: A simple model system
for teaching and student research.
August 1995
American Society of Plant Physiology,
Charlotte, NC
Educational Demonstration booth: Ceratopteris: A simple model system
for teaching and student research.
Summer 1995
Association of Southeastern
Biologists, Knoxville, TN
ASB Workshop: The use of Ceratopteris, the rapid cycling fern,
in teaching plant biology