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C-Fern Logo  C-Fern
C-Fern Home
Web Manual
  C-Fern Nutrient Medium
  Culture Conditions
  Gametophyte Culture
  Gametophyte Observations
  Sporophyte Culture
  Spore Mutagenesis

Other Resources

  Light Stand
  Growth Pod
  DNA Extraction
  C-Fern T-shirt
  Who's Who
  Selection and mutants
  Media formulation error
  Image gallery
Web Journal
Educational Resources
  National Science Standards
  Gametophyte development
  Student research questions
  Research in the classroom
  Research with C-Fern
  Brief description of C-Fern
  C-Fern manipulation
  Root tropism?
Frequently Asked Questions
Workshop and Exhibit Schedule
 Educational Materials
  Mutant & wild type spores
  Manual & Culture Instructions
  Supplies - Domes, media
Have questions?
Contact the C-Fern Project
 Supported, in part, by the National Science Foundation - Division of Undergraduate Education
Development of C-Fern is supported
by the National Science Foundation (NSF-DUE)
Copyright © 1997-2000
Thomas R. Warne and
Leslie G. Hickok.
All rights reserved.

C-Fern Educational Kits

  Hermaphroditic and male C-Fern gametophytes
C-Fern Educational Materials are available from Carolina Biological Supply Company. For information please contact Carolina Biological at http://www.carolina.com or
call: 800-334-5551
fax 800-222-7112.

C-Fern kits are designed for classroom use by 30 students working individually or in groups, depending upon the exercise used. All kits come complete with spores, petri dishes, C-Fern media, detailed directions for students and instructors. For predictable results in C-Fern gametophyte development, adequate lighting is necessary and can be provided by a simple fluorescent lighting fixture. A stereomicroscope  and/or compound microscope is necessary for viewing the stages.

Spores in all kits are provided pre-sterilized and pre-weighed in graduated vials. Students just add water, inoculate petri dishes containing C-Fern agar and maintain the dishes in Culture Domes that are a part of every kit. Cultures are grown under continuous lighting at a temperature close to 28 C inside the Culture Dome.

Spore germination and gametophyte development to sexual maturity, sexual reproduction and early embryo development all take place within 14 days. Continued development of the sporophyte and the meiotic production of spores takes place within 3 months. Because each culture dish contains hundreds of individuals, large population studies of genetic segregation, competition and other plant-plant interactions are accomplished easily.