Jude Fanton (L) giving
a demonstration to course
participant on
seed saving techniques. |
A mother from Kg. Takutan during
a demonstration on seed
saving tomatoes. |
Mogina from Papua New
Guinea sampling her
results from the market survey |
Arif Aliadi from Indonesia interviewing
a handicrafts vendor during
the market survey at
Nabalu. |
People and Plants
in Southeast Asia recently held its 3rd and final
session of the People and Plants in Southeast
Asia Certificate Training Course in Applied
Ethnobotany in Kinabalu Park, Sabah, Malaysia,
from 16 June-3rd July 1998. This was the final
session of a three-part training course series,
also known as CTC. Over 20 participants, from
Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines,
India, Vietnam and Papua New Guinea were involved
in this training course. Participants represented
a wide range of background, which include
university researchers, government officers,
protected area staff, representatives of
environmentally concerned commercial enterprises
and NGO members. The CTC, a training
course of 8 weeks' duration, is designed to
provide a broad introduction to theory, concepts
and field methods in ethnobotany, as applied to
conservation and development. The goals of the
course is to build capacity in a group of people
who are working on issues of plant resource
management, particularly associated with
protected areas; develop additional training
materials and approaches; raise awareness within
institutions and protected area agencies of the
importance of a multi-disciplinary approach to
applied ethnobotany; and create networking
opportunity for applied-ethnobotany
The first session of CTC kicked off with a
two-week session on qualitative methods in
applied ethnobotany, held Kinabalu Park in
September 1997. This was followed by another
two-week session on quantitative methods, which
was preceded by a short course on Applied
Geographical Information Systems in February 1998
in Subic Bay, Phillipines. The course ended with
a two week session on the theme of
returning results to communities,
also held at Kinabalu Park June-July 1998. This
session was preceded by a one week short course
on ethnobiological and scientific classification
of Southeast Asian plants and animals.
The CTC was officially
closed on the 3rd of July 1998 in a ceremony
graced by Puan Monica Chia, Permanent Secretary
to the Sabah State Ministry of Culture
Environment and Tourism, representing Y.B. Datuk
Wilfred Bumburing, Minister to the Ministry of
Culture Environment and Tourism.