and Salote Navato
participating in a
workshop on rekindling
local knowledge of forest
plants Vatuolalai, Fiji.
©Gary J. Martin |
People and
Plants Online is a service of the
WWF- UNESCO-Kew People and Plants
Initiative. Through this website,
we hope to encourage exchanges
between colleagues and help them
obtain information from around
the world. People and Plants
Online is designed especially for
people who work in the field:
park managers, foresters,
cultural promoters, and members
of non-governmental, governmental
or indigenous organizations. By
reporting on field-based
initiatives and current affairs,
we aim to have an impact on the
actions of researchers and policy
makers as well.
Please send us
comments on the writing style,
content and layout of this
website, and suggestions of new
subjects that we can cover in the
various sections of People and
Plants Online, including the Notice
Board, Opinion and the People and Plants