Knowledge of the amchis and conservation
of medicinal plants in the hidden land of Dolpo, Nepal
by Yildiz Aumeeruddy-Thomas
People and Plants Regional Coordinator
People and Plants Asia Himalayas Programme
15 March 1998
Ganasa farms and pasture at
4000m, Dolpa, Nepal. The People and
Plants team is working with community
members on management systems for
medicinal plants. (Alan Hamilton) |
On the other side
of the high Himalayan range of Daulaghiri, up
against the border with Tibet, lies Dolpo, a land
of minerals, chortens and snow leopards. Its high
pastures are home to many aromatic and medicinal
plants - some of which are among the most popular
in the three major traditional medical systems of
the region, the Ayurvedic, the Tibetan and the
Chinese. With human settlements situated up to
4480 m - among the highest in the world, age-old
monasteries such as the Cristal Monastery of Shey
and many others perpetuate the Bon and Buddhist
religions. Dolpo is refuge not only to endangered
plants and animals; it is also a bastion of the
spiritual and cultural values of the ancient
culture of Tibet, today also endangered.
Age-old tradition versus
international trade
Medicinal plants are becoming threatened at
Dolpo because of their high value to the Ayurvedic
industry, entailing very extensive collection
throughout Nepal, especially at higher
altitudes. Most of this trade is to
India. The building of two airstrips around
Dolpo has given a major impetus to trade in these
products. Set against this is a degree of
protection afforded by the creation of a national
park in 1984 (Shey Phoksundo - 3555 km2), which has
certainly helped to put some breaks on the
over-harvesting of medicinal plants. However,
the park has insufficient manpower to enforce park
rules, restricting medicinal plant collection,
Some 3000 people live inside the park, mostly
adhering to Tibetan-related culture. In this
remote area, specialist medical services are provided
almost entirely by amchis, practitioners of Tibetan
medicine, a formal (written) system of great
antiquity. Six thousand people live in proposed
buffer zones of the park, outside its southern
boundary. These are mostly Hindus, more engaged
in trade than those living inside the park and using
Ayurvedic medicine.
An ethnobotanical project has been started at
Dolpo at the request of the WWF Nepal Office ,
already running a joint programme in the area jointly
with the Nepal Department of National Parks and
Wildlife Conservation. This ethnobotanical project is
part of the People and Plants initiative, a programme
of WWF, UNESCO and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew,
designed to promote the application of ethnobotany to
conservation and development. (People and
Plants has field projects elsewhere - in Pakistan,
Africa, Southeast Asia and the South Pacific.
The work in Nepal is funded by the European Union,
the Department of International Development (UK) and
WWF itself.)
Learning to work together
The objectives of the ethnobotanical project at
Dolpo are to determine the ways in which people at
Dolpo value and use plants, including those that are
medicinal, and assist the people to make agreements
with the park authorities allowing sustainable
harvesting of plant resources hand-in-hand with
conservation. A meeting of the project was held
at Rigmo village (3700 m) inside the park in June
1997 to plan project activities to ensure that these
meet the needs of both people and authorities.
A multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural team was
formed after the workshop through adding two local
amchis and two park personnel to a small group of
researchers previously recruited. This latter group
comprised botanists Dr. K. Krishna Shrestha and
Suresh Ghimire, sociologist Yeshi Choden Lama,
assistant Mingma Sherpa (a WWF trainee), two well
respected amchis from Mustang (a neighbouring
district) - Tshampa Ngawang and Gyatso Bista (the
personal doctor of the King of Mustang) - and myself,
taking the role of overall coordinator and trainer in
ethnobotanical techniques.
Focus on community-based management of medicinal
The ethnobotanical survey recorded 279 species of
plants at Dolpo with economic value, including no
fewer than 205 used medicinally. Twelve types
of medicinal plants are commonly traded, official
records (certainly under-estimates) showing that 50
tons are exported from the area annually.
Already, some of the slopes around the park show
signs of over-harvesting and commercial collection
inside the park itself is increasing. Medicinal
plants at Dolpo are under threat, even if this may
not be immediately apparent. For instance,
jatamansi (Nardostachys grandiflora) is apparently
still very abundant in many areas of Dolpo, but its
high market value, slow growth and the destructive
method used for its collection (pulling up the whole
plant) suggest that it might disappear if unregulated
commercial collection begins in earnest. The
project intends to introduce a number of small field
experiments in 1998 to determine the effects of
various levels of harvesting on selected species of
medicinal plants. It is hoped that some general
guidelines on intensity of harvesting and other
management techniques will emerge.
The grazing of yaks and other domestic animals on
pastures at Dolpo is still managed by local customs
and regulations, but there are few such regulations
concerning medicinal plants - probably because their
over-collection has not until now constituted a
serious threat. However, local communities have
considerable knowledge about medicinal plants - their
distribution, abundance, ecology and methods of
harvesting - certainly much more than do the park
staff - and there is no doubt that medicinal plants
cannot be managed effectively without the full
cooperation of the local communities.
Agreements are needed between the communities and the
park authorities to confer certain rights (and
responsibilities) relating to medicinal on particular
communities, so that it becomes in the interests of
the local people to conserve them for their
continuing benefit. That way it may be possible
to prevent destructive harvesting by outsiders,
safeguard the livelihoods of the local people and
conserve the resources. The project is working
with the communities to determine the terms of such
Amchis and women: key actors in health care
It is certain that the amchis will continue to
play a major role in delivering local health-care at
Dolpo because of its remoteness. However, at
the same time, the people at Dolpo suffer from very
poor health. The amchis are faced with many
difficulties, including their isolation and lack of
full training in some aspects of their profession
(diagnosis system, plant identification and
processing), their lack of access to some medicinal
materials (plants from lowland areas; animal products
derived from protected species), their lack of access
to medical texts and problems of supporting
themselves financially (since traditionally amchis
are not paid for their services). Lay people
know little about the uses of medicinal plants and
young people show little interest in becoming amchis
themselves, principally because training is not
readily available and because they see the profession
as not viable economically today. How then can
health-care at Dolpo be improved? The project
is planning to provide some assistance by following
up a wish expressed by women in the planning workshop
- that the amchis provide them with some medical
information directly, useful for looking after the
primary health-care needs of their families.
The link between conservation and
Two major targets have been selected for the rest
of the project: (1) to develop a community-based
model for conservation and management of medicinal
plants and (2) to promote better health-care through
increasing the capacities of amchis and women.
These two approaches are interrelated, because the
amchis are holders of much of the knowledge of the
community and are regarded as people of
authority. They are well placed to guide the
people in a community-based approach to the
management of medicinal plants and will certainly
continue to be responsible for much of the local
health-care at Dolpo.
During 1998 it is planned to begin work on the
design of a model for managing medicinal plants on a
sustainable basis, starting with one community as an
example. On the health-care side, all amchis at Dolpo
(45 people) have been invited to Dho Tarap monastery
in June to discuss an action plan to reinforce their
profession and make recommendations about which
aspects of their knowledge can be transmitted to
women for the promotion of primary health-care,
including prevention of disease.