African Ethnobotany
Network Membership List
(* Proposed
AEN country co-ordinator/AEN focal point)
- Dr. Dawit Abebe, Department of
Drug Research, P.O. Box 5117,
Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA, Tel.: 251
1 751522, Fax: 251 1 754744
- Dr. George Abungu, Deputy
Director, National Museums of
Kenya, Regional Museums, Sites
and Monuments of Kenya, P.O. Box
40658 Nairobi, KENYA, Tel.:
Fax: 254 2 741424, E-mail: nmk@form-net.com
- Wale Adeleke, WWF Cameroon, B.P.
6776, Yaoundé, CAMEROUN
- Mr Mike Adu-Nsiah, ITC, PB289,
P.O. Box 6, 7500 AA Enschede,
NETHERLANDS, E-mail: advnsiah@itc.nl
- * Prof. Dr. L. Ake-Assi, Centre
National de Floristique de
lUniversité, 22 B.P. 582,
Abijan 22, COTE DIVOIRE,
Tel.: 225 448614, Fax: 225 444688
- Dr. A. Akoa, Dept. de Biologie et
Physiologie Végétales, Faculté
des Sciences, Université de
Yaoundé I, B.P. 812 Yaoundé,
CAMEROUN, Tel.: 237 225659, Fax:
237 235388
- Dr. Levi S.M. Akundabweni,
University of Nairobi, Kabete
Campus, P.O. Box 30197 Nairobi,
KENYA, Fax: 254 2 631956
- Ms Sophie Apio Kerwegi, Natural
Chemotherapeutics Research
Laboratory, P.O. Box 4864,
Kampala, UGANDA, Tel.: 256 41
250488/235932, Fax: 256 41
235932, E-mail: ncrl@mukla.gn.apc.org
- Mr Trevor Arnold, Data
Management, National Botanical
Institute, Private Bag X101,
Pretoria 0001, SOUTH AFRICA,
Tel.: 27 12 8043200, Fax: 27 12
8043211, E-mail: tha@nbipre.nbi.ac.za
- * Dr. Zemede Asfaw, Addis Ababa
University, National Herbarium,
Department of Biology, P.O. Box
3434, Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA,
Tel.: 251 1 116051/114323/553177,
Fax: 251 1 552350, E-mail: nat.herb@padis.gn.apc.org
or nat._herb@padis.gn.apc.org
- Dr. Yildiz Aumeeruddy,
Laboratoire de Botanique
Tropicale, Université de
Montpellier, 163, rue Auguste
Broussonnet, 34000 Montpellier,
FRANCE, Tel.: 33 4 67 631793 ext:
116, Fax: 33 4 67 041870, Email: 101641.2503@compuserve.com
- Ms Regina Awino Ochieng,
National Museums of Kenya, East
African Herbarium, P.O. Box 40658
Nairobi, KENYA, Tel.:
ext 209 or 274, Fax: 254 2
741424, E-mail: nmk@form-net.com
or biodive@tt.gn.apc.org
or biodive@tt.sasa.unep.no
- Dr. Than Than Aye, University of
Botswana, Department of
Biological Sciences, Private Bag
0022, Gabarone, BOTSWANA, Tel.:
267 3552603, Fax: 267 356591,
E-mail: ayett@noka.ub.bw
- Mr A.E. Ayodele, Department of
Botany and Microbiology
(Herbarium), University of
Ibadan, Ibandan, Oyo State,
NIGERIA, Tel.: 234 2 8101100 ext.
1482, Fax: 234 2 8103043
- Dr. Martine Baerts, Laboratoire
de botanique médicale et
pharmaceutique, Institut Carnoy,
4 place Croix du Sud, 1348
Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique, Tel.:
32 10 473421, Fax: 32 10 473471,
E-mail: Lehmann@fynu.ucl.ac.be
- Mr Hector Mark Banda, Dept.
National Parks and Wildlife,
Natural Resources College, Box
143, Lilongwe, MALAWI, Tel.: 265
722744/722916, Fax: 265 723089
- * Mr Salomão O. Bandeira,
Department of Biological
Sciences, Universidade Eduardo
Mondlane, CP 257 Maputo,
MOZAMBIQUE, Tel.: 258 1 492142,
Fax: 258 1 492192, E-mail: bandeira@zebra.uem.mz
or bandeira@nambu.uem.mz
- Prof. Dr. Feetham Banyikwa, Dept.
of Botany, University of Dar es
Salaam, P.O. Box 35060 Dar es
TANZANIA, Tel.: 255 51 75199,
Fax: 255 51 43038/43764, E-mail: dbot@udsmucc.gn.apc.org
- Prof. Jonathan Baranga, Mbarara
University, P.O. Box 967 Mbarara,
- * Ms Filomena M.A. Barbosa,
Department of Biological
Sciences, Universidade Eduardo
Mondlane, CP 257 Maputo,
MOZAMBIQUE, Tel.: 258 1
490009/492142, Fax: 258 1 492192,
E-mail: filomena@biologia.uem.mz
or barbosa@nambu.uem.mz
- Dr. Edmund G.C. Barrow, African
Wildlife Foundation, P.O. Box
48177, Nairobi, KENYA, Tel.: 254
2 710367, Fax: 254 2 710372,
E-mail: awfnrb@form-net.com
- Prof. A.K. Bashir, Medicinal and
Aromatic Plants Research
Institute, Dept. of
Phytochemistry, PO Box 2404,
Kartoum, SUDAN
- Mr Alex Muhweezi Bataamba, IUCN,
Head of Country Office, PO Box
10950 Kampala, Plot 39, Acacia
Avenue, UGANDA, Tel.: 256 41
233738/244508, Fax: 256 41
242298, E-mail: uco@iucn.uu.imul.com
- Mr Jamal Bellakhdar, Association
Al BIRUNIYA, B.P. 6303, Rabat,
- Dr. Dhyani J. Berger, World
Wildlife Fund, c/o The LIFE
Project, WWF, Box 9681 Windhoek,
NAMIBIA, Tel.: 264.61.239945,
Fax: 264.61.239799, E-mail: dhyani@life.wwf.org.na
- Dr. Michael Berjak, Dept. of
Computer Science, University of
Natal, Private Bag X01,
Scottsville 3209, SOUTH AFRICA,
Tel.: 27.331.460796, Fax:
27.331.460895, E-mail: berjak@compnt.unp.ac.za
or berjak@milner.unp.ac.za
- Dr. Alain Bertrand, CIRAD Forêt,
Unité de recherche GREEN, B.P.
853, Antananarivo 101,
Fax:, E-mail: bertrand@syfed.refer.mg
- Mr Mike Bingham, P/Bag 31,
Woodlands, Lusaka, ZAMBIA, Tel.:
260 1 274732, Fax: 260 1 274733,
E-mail: mbingham@zamnet.zm
- A. Birouk, IAV Hassan II, DAAP,
Plant Genetics Lab, B.P. 6202,
Rabat-Instituts, 10100 Rabat,
MAROC, Tel.: +212.7.776788, Fax:
- Dr. Nsekuye Bizimana, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, Free
University Berlin, Königsweg 67,
D-14163 Berlin, GERMANY, Tel.: 49
30 81082326/2113599, Fax: 49 30
- Ms Jenny Botha, Kruger National
Park, Private Bag X402, Skukuza
1350, SOUTH AFRICA, Tel.: 27 1311
65611 or 27 13 7355611, Fax: 27
1311 65611 or 27 13 7355467
- Mr Guido Broekhoven, IUCN,
Eastern Africa Regional Office,
P.O. Box 68200, Nairobi, KENYA,
Tel.: 254 2 890605/890612, Fax:
254 2 890615, E-mail: ajb@earo.iucn.ch
- * Dr. R. Bukenya-Ziraba, Makerere
University, Department of Botany,
PO Box 7062, Kampala, UGANDA,
Tel.: 256 41 540765, Fax: 256 41
530756/531061, E-mail: botany@swiftuganda.com
- Mr F.W.R. Busenene, Uganda
Institute of Ecology, P.O. Box
3530 Kampala, UGANDA, Tel.: 256
41 530574/530158, Fax: 256 41
- Mr Henry Busulwa, Uganda
Institute of Ecology, c/o Uganda
Wildlife Authority, P.O. Box 3530
Kampala, UGANDA
- Mr Dominic Byarugaba, Makerere
University Institute of
Environment and Natural Resources
(MUIENR), P.O. Box 10066,
Kampala, UGANDA, Tel.: 256 41
530135, Fax: 256 41 530134,
E-mail: muienr@imul.com
- Prof. Bruce Campbell, University
of Zimbabwe, Institute of
Environmental Studies, PO Box 167
Mount Pleasant, Harare, ZIMBABWE,
Tel.: 263 4 302603 or
263.4.303211 ext. 1937, Fax: 263
4 333407/335249, E-mail: bcampbell@coldfire.dnet.co.zw
or bcampbell@esanet.zw
- Dr. Simon Carter, Tropical Soil
Biology and Fertility Programme,
c/o UNESCO-Nairobi, UN Complex,
Gigiri (Block B), P.O. Box 30592
Nairobi, KENYA, Tel.: 254 2
622338, Fax: 254 2 521159,
E-mail: simon.carter@unep.no
- Mr L.M.F. Catarino, Instituto de
Investigacao Cientifica,
Tropical-Centro de Botanica,
Trav. Conde da Ribeira 7, P-1300
Lisboa, PORTUGAL, Tel.: 351 1
3645518, Fax: 351 1 3631460,
E-mail: lcatarino@mail.telepac.pt
- * Mr Sizwe Cawe, Botany
Department, Private Bag X1,
27 471 302 2670, Fax: 27 471 302
2725, E-mail: cawe@getafix.utr.ac.za
- Mr Patrick B. Chalo Mutiso,
University of Nairobi, Department
of Botany, P.O. Box 30197
Nairobi, KENYA, Tel.: 254 2
442016, Fax: 254 2 446141
- Dr. Pynee A. Chellapermal, Centre
de Documentation de Recherches et
de Formation Indianocéaniques
(CEDREFI), P.O. Box 91 Rose-Hill,
31, Draper Avenue Quatre Bornes,
MAURITIUS, Tel.: 230 4655036,
Fax: 230 4651422, E-mail: pynee@syfed.mu.refer.org
- Dr. A. Chepstow-Lusty, Dept of
Plant Sciences, University of
Cambridge, Downing Street,
Cambridge CB2 3RS, UNITED
KINGDOM, Tel.: 44 1223 330217,
Fax: 44 1223 333953, E-mail: ajc14@cus.cam.ac.uk
- Mr Augustine Chikuni, Department
of Plant Sciences, University of
Oxford, Oxford OX1 3RB, UNITED
KINGDOM, Tel.: 44 1865 275021,
Fax: 44 1865 275074, E-mail: augustine.chikuni@plants.ox.ac.uk
- Ms S.L Childes, Mhumhe Consulting
(Pvt) Ltd., Box BW 53,
Borrowdale, Harare, ZIMBABWE,
Tel.: 263 4 8875728
- Mr Keith H. Cooper, Wildlife
Society of South Africa, 100
Brand Road, Durban 4001, SOUTH
AFRICA, Tel.: 27 31 210909, Fax:
27 31 219525
- Dr. Neil Crouch, The Natal
Herbarium, National Botanical
Institute, Botanic Gardens Road,
Durban 4001, SOUTH AFRICA
- Mr Rob Cunliffe, 4 Otila Close,
Avondale, Harare, ZIMBABWE
- Dr. Anthony B. Cunningham, People
and Plants Initiative, P.O. Box
42, Bettys Bay 7141, SOUTH
AFRICA, Tel.: 27 282729731, Fax:
27 282729731, E-mail: ethnobot@iafrica.com
- Mr Mario A. Calane da Silva,
Instituto Nacional de
Investigacao Agronomica, C.P.
3658, Maputo, MOZAMBIQUE
- Dr. Ermias Dagne, African
Laboratory for Natural Products,
Addis Ababa University,
Department of Chemistry, P.O. Box
30270, Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA,
Tel.: 251 1 126276, Fax: 251 1
551244, E-mail: chemistry@padis.gn.apc.org
- Dr. A.M. Dahir, MOG Herbarium,
c/o 31 Fyfield, Six Acres Est,
Biggerstaff Street, London N4,
171-263-3658, Fax: 44
- Dr. Alexandre Daniel-Yves,
Laboratoire dEcologie
Végétale, bat 14-1ère étage,
Université de Rennes-1, Av. du
Gal Leclerc, F-35042 Rennes
CEDEX, FRANCE, Tel.: 33 2
99286150/2, Fax: 33 2 99281626,
or alex@univ-rennes1.fr
- Ir. A.J. de Koeijer, IPGRI - SSA,
IPGRI c/o ICRAF, P.O. Box 30677
Nairobi, KENYA, Tel.: 254 2
521514/522150, Fax: 254 2 521209,
E-mail: ipgri-kenya@cgnet.com
- Dr. S. Demissew, Addis Abeba
University, Science Faculty, The
National Herbarium, P.O. Box
3434, Addis Abeba, ETHIOPIA,
Tel.: 251-1-114323, Fax:
- Dr. Maria Adélia Diniz, Centro
de Botanica do Instituto de
Investigacao Cientifica Tropical,
Rua da Junqueira 86, P-1300
Lisboa, PORTUGAL, Tel.: 351 1
3645518, Fax: 351 1 3631460
- Dr. C.O. Diribe, Department of
Consultancy Services, Enugu State
University of Science &
Technology, P.M.B. 01660 Enugu,
- Joanna Durbin, JWPT, B.P. 8511,
Antananarivo 101, MADAGASCAR
- Mr Beloved M. Dzomeku, P.O. Box
587, Ho, Volta Region, GHANA
- Dounias Edmond, B.P. 1125,
- Prof. A. Egunyomi, University of
Ibadan, Department of Botany
& Microbiology, Uni. of
Ibadan, Ibadan, NIGERIA, Tel.:
234 2 8101100, Fax: 234 2
8103043, E-mail: library@ibadan.ac.ng
- Dr. Jim Else, PO Box 24223,
Nairobi, KENYA, Tel.: 254 2
- Mr N.E. Ewango, Centre de
Formation et de Recherche en
Conservation Forestière, c/o
Zaire, P.O. Box 21285, Nairobi,
- * Mr Francis N.M. Gachathi, Kenya
Forestry Research Institute, P O
Box 20412, Nairobi, KENYA, Tel.:
254 154 32891/2 3254` 32887 32893
32913 32946/7 32949, Fax: 254 154
32844, E-mail: kefri@arcc.or.ke
- Dr. Laurent Gautier,
Conservatoire et Jardin Botanique
de Genève, C.P. 60 / 1 Chemin de
lImpératrice, CH-1292
Chambésy, GE, SUISSE, Tel.: 41
22 4185147, Fax: 41 22 4185101,
E-mail: gautier@cjb.unige.ch
- Dr. Z.O. Gbile, Forestry Research
Institute of Nigeria, G.P.O. Box
12747, Ibadan, NIGERIA, Tel.: 02
- Ms Zeineba Gebeyaw, Biodiversity
Institute, P.O. Box 30726, Addis
Ababa, ETHIOPIA, Tel.: 251 1
612244/180381, Fax: 251 1 613722,
E-mail: bio-et@padis.gn.apc.org
- Dr. Tewolde Berham Gebre
Egziabher, Environmental
Protection Authority, P.O. Box
30231, Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA,
Tel.: 251.1.181658, Fax:
251.1.552350, E-mail: nat.herb@padis.gn.apc.org
- Dr. Coert J. Geldenhuys,
FORESTWOOD, P.O. Box 228, La
Montagne, 0184 Pretoria, SOUTH
AFRICA, Tel.: 27 12 833277, Fax:
27 12 833277, E-mail: cgelden@cis.co.za
- Dr. Nigel Gericke, 22 Cranko
Road, Observatory 7925, Cape
Town, SOUTH AFRICA, Tel.: 27 21
4488864, Fax: 27 21 4488864,
E-mail: npg-nbd@iafrica.com
- Dr. Edward C. Green, 5063 Milwood
Lane N.W., Washington, DC 20007,
- Ms Liza M.C. Groenendijk,
International Institute for
Aerospace Survey and Earth
Sciences, Hengelosestraat 99,
P.O. Box 6, 7500 AA Enschede,
NETHERLANDS, Tel.: 31-53 4874444
/ 31 53 874295, Fax: 31-53
48744000 / 31 53 874400, E-mail: groenendijk@itc.nl
- * Dr. Isla Grundy, 24 George
Walker, Hatfield, Harare,
ZIMBABWE, Tel.: 263 4
795461/794333, Fax: 263 4 790470,
E-mail: grundy@nebula.uz.zw
- Dr. Muhashy Kayagwe F.X.
Habiyaremye, Laboratoire de
Botanique Systematique et de
Phytosociologie, Université
Libre de Bruxelles, 28, Av. Paul
Heger, C.P. 169, B-1050
Bruxelles, BELGIQUE, Tel.:
0032-2-650-2121, Fax:
0032-2-650-2135, E-mail: JLEJOLY@VLB.AC.BE
- Mr David N.L. Hafashimana, Uganda
Forest Department, PO Box 7124,
Kampala, UGANDA, Tel.: 256 41
233485/244297/251916/236016, Fax:
256 41 251918/236016, E-mail: fori@mukla.gn.apc.org
- Mrs Jenny Hale, Indigenous Plant
Use Forum - FRD, PO Box 2600,
Pretoria 0001, SOUTH AFRICA,
Tel.: 27 12 4814046, Fax: 27 12
4814005, E-mail: jenny@frd.ac.za
- Dr. Alan Hamilton, WWF Plant
Conservation Officer, WWF-UK,
Panda House, Weyside Park,
Catteshall Lane, Godalming Surrey
1483 426444/44 1483 412550, Fax:
44 1483 426409, E-mail: ahamilton@wwfnet.org
- Dr. Marja E. Harkonen, Department
of Ecology & Systematics,
University of Helsinki, P O Box
7, SF-00014 University of
Helsinki, FINLAND, Tel.: 358 191
8611, Fax: 358 191 8656, E-mail: marja.harkonen@helsinki.fi
- Drs. Therese & John Hart,
Wildlife Conservation Society,
185th Street and Southern
Boulevard, Bronx, NY 10460,
- Mr Philippe Hecketsweiler, Le
Moulinet, 30190 Brignon, FRANCE,
Tel.: 33 4 66833066, Fax: 33 4
- * Prof. Inga Hedberg, Uppsala
University, Institute of
Systematic Botany, PO Box 541,
Uppsala 1, 5751-21, SWEDEN, Tel.:
46 18182773, Fax: 46 18554369,
E-mail: inga.hedberg@systbot.uu.se
- * Prof. Olov Hedberg, Uppsala
University, Institute of
Systematic Botany, PO Box 541,
Uppsala 1, 5751-21, SWEDEN, Tel.:
46 18182773, Fax: 46 18554369,
E-mail: inga.hedberg@systbot.uu.se
- Dr. K. Hillman-Smith, WWF-Projet
Parc National de la Garamba
(Zaire), c/o AIM/MAF (via Aba),
P.O. Box 21285, Nairobi, KENYA
- Mr Christopher Hines, PO Box
22527, Windhoek, NAMIBIA, Tel.:
264 61 235603, Fax: 264 61 230934
- Dr. Robert Höft, UNESCO,
Division of Ecological Sciences,
7, place de Fontenoy, 75700
Paris, FRANCE, Tel.: 33 1
45684148, Fax: 33 1 40659897,
E-mail: r.hoeft@unesco.org
or 101355.2444@compuserve.com
- Mr Ndoumbe Nkotto Honore,
Coordinator FOCARFE, BP 3494,
- Mr David M. Hughes, Centre for
Applied Social Sciences,
University of Zimbabwe, P.O. Box
MP 167, Mount Pleasant, Harare,
ZIMBABWE, Tel.: 263 4 303211 ext.
1340, Fax: 263 4 333407/335249,
E-mail: cass@esanet.zw
(attn. D. Hughes)
- Mrs Anne Hutchings, University of
Zululand, Department of Botany,
P/Bag X 1001, KwaDlangezwa 3886,
SOUTH AFRICA, Fax: 27 351
93162/93735, E-mail: ahutchin@pan.uzulu.ac.za
- Mrs Perpetua Ipulet, National
Museums of Kenya, East African
Herbarium, P.O. Box 40658
Nairobi, KENYA, Tel.:
Fax: 254 2 741424, E-mail: nmk@form-net.com
- Dr. M.A. Isawumi, Natural History
Museum, Obafemi Awolowo
University, Ife Ife, NIGERIA,
E-mail: misawumi@oauife.edu.ng
- Prof. Turner Isoun, Niger Delta
Wetlands Foundation, P.O. Box
7390, Port Harcourt, Rivers
State, NIGERIA, Tel.: 234 84
234042, Fax: 234 84 234042,
E-mail: 106173.721@compuserve.com
- Dr. Vololoniaina H. Jeannoda,
Faculté des Sciences,
Département de Botanique,
University of Antananarivo, B.P.
906, Antananarivo 101, MADAGASCAR
- Ms Charlotte E. Jenkins, World
Conservation Monitoring Centre,
219 Huntingdon Road, Cambridge
1223 277314, Fax: 44 1223 277136,
E-mail: chaloite.jenkins@wcmc.org.uk
- Prof. Dr. Timothy Johns, Centre
for Nutrition and the Environment
of Indigenous Peoples (CINE),
McGill University, Macdonald
Campus 21, 111 Lakeshore Road,
Ste. Anne de Bellevue QC, H9X
3V9, CANADA, Tel.:
1.514.398.7544, Fax:
1.514.398.1020, Email: johns@agradm.lan.mcgill.ca
- Ms Esezah K. Kakudidi, Botany
Department, Makerere University,
P.O. Box 7062 Kampala, UGANDA,
Tel.: 256 41 510764, Fax: 256 41
530756, E-mail: botany@swiftuganda.com
- Mr Willy Kakuru, National
Wetlands Programme, P.O. Box
9629, Kampala, UGANDA, Tel.: 256
41 241239, Fax: 256 41 241246
- Mrs Maud Kamatenesi Mugisha,
Botany Department, Makerere
University, P.O. Box 7062
Kampala, UGANDA, Tel.: 256 41
540765, Fax: 256 41
530756/531061, E-mail: botany@swiftuganda.com
or muienr@imul.com
or c/o math@mukla.gn.apc.org
- Mr D.A.I. Kamundi, National
Herbarium and Botanic Gardens of
Malawi, P.O. Box 528 Zomba,
MALAWI, Tel.: 265 523145/523388,
Fax: 265 522108, E-mail: nhbg@unima.wn.apc.org
- Prof. Ram G. Kapooria, University
of Zambia, Department of Biology,
PO Box 32373, Lusaka 10101,
ZAMBIA, E-mail: RKapooria@natsci.unza.zm
- Mr Lucah Kaime Karimi, Egerton
University, Department of Botany,
P. O. Box 536, Njoro, KENYA,
Tel.: 254-37-61620 ext. 3632
- Mr Apollo Kariuki, Kenya Wildlife
Service, P.O. Box 40241 Nairobi,
KENYA, Tel.: 254 2
Fax: 254 2 501752/505866
- Mr Anthony B. Katende, Makerere
University Herbarium, Department
of Botany, PO Box 7062, Kampala,
UGANDA, Tel.: 256 41 540765, Fax:
256 41 530756/531061
- Dr. Shakkie Kativu, University of
Zimbabwe, Institute of
Environmental Studies, PO Box
167, Mount Pleasant, Harare,
ZIMBABWE, Tel.: 263.4.303211 ext.
1937, Fax: 263 4 333407/335249,
E-mail: bcampbell@esanet.zw
- Mr Flavenius Katsuba, Uganda
Wildlife Authority, Rwenzori
Mountains National Park, P.O. Box
188 Kasese, UGANDA
- Dr. Fassil Kebebew, Biodiversity
Institute, Community Biodiversity
Development and Conservation
Division, P.O. Box 30726, Addis
Ababa, ETHIOPIA, Tel.: 251 1
612244/180381, Fax: 251 1 613722,
E-mail: bio-et@padis.gn.apc.org
- Mr D.W. Kiirya, Nyabyeya Forestry
College, Private Bag, Masindi,
UGANDAWandie Joseph Kingara,
Green Africa Society
International, P.O. Box 54566,
Nairobi, KENYA, Tel.: 254 2
243053, Fax: 254 2 211531
- Dr. V. Kimpouni, s/c
ECOFAC-Congo, B.P. 62,
Brazzaville, CONGO, Tel.: 242-83
76 56, Fax: 242-83 76 55
- Dr. Anthony M. Kinyua, Institute
of Nuclear Science, University of
Nairobi, College of Architecture
and Engineering, P.O. Box 30197
Nairobi, KENYA, Tel.: 254 2
246610/214912/334244, Fax: 254 2
336885/214912, E-mail: amkinyua@tt.sasa.unon.org
- Prof. Dr. Michael Koech, Faculty
of Environmental Studies and NEAP
Secretariat, FES/NEAP, P.O. Box
30943 Nairobi, KENYA, Tel.: 254 2
245979/252221, Fax: 254 2
- Mr John Kome, P.M.B. 381 Kumba,
South West Province, CAMEROON
- Mr Philip K. Koskey, Kenyatta
University, Department of
Environmental Planning and
Management, P.O. Box 43844,
Nairobi, KENYA, Tel.: 254 2
810901/12 ext 57479
- Jackie Kruger, Dept. Environment
Affairs, P/Bag X9060, East London
5201, SOUTH AFRICA, Tel.: 27 431
420360, Fax: 27 431 420365
- Mr M.S.L. Kumwenda, Dept.
Agricultural Research and
Technical Services, Lunyangwa
Agricultural Research Station,
Ministry of Agriculture, P.O. Box
59 Mzuzu, MALAWI, Tel.: 265
332633, Fax: 265 332687
- Mr Solomon Kyalo, c/o East
African Wildlife Society, P.O.
Box 20110 Nairobi, KENYA, Tel.:
254 2 574145, Fax: 254 2 746868/
571335, E-mail: eawls@elci.gn.apc.org
- Ms Medius Kyoshabire, Makerere
University, Department of Botany,
PO Box 7062, Kampala, UGANDA,
Tel.: 256 41 540765, Fax: 256 41
530756/531061, E-mail: botany@swiftuganda.com
- Dr. Roger R.B. Leakey, Institute
of Terrestrial Ecology, Bush
Estate, Penicuik, Midlothian EH26
0QB, UNITED KINGDOM, Tel.: 44 131
4454343, Fax: 44 131.445.3943,
E-mail: r.leakey@ice.ac.uk
or rleak@wpo.nerc.ac.uk
- Dr. Jean Lehmann, Laboratoire de
botanique médicale et
pharmaceutique, Institut Carnoy,
4 place Croix du Sud, 1348
Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique, Tel.:
32 10 473421, Fax: 32 10 473471,
E-mail: Lehmann@fynu.ucl.ac.be
- * Prof. J. Lejoly, PHARMEL,
Laboratoire de Botanique
Systematique et de Physiologie,
CP 169, Ave. Paul Heger 28,
B-1050 Bruxelles, BELGIQUE, Tel.:
32.2.6502126, Fax: 32.2.6502135
- Mr Mainimo Christopher Levla,
Delegate of Levla-Levla Group for
Agric. & Environmental
Activities, P.O. Box 10
Jakiri-Bui, N W Province,
- Mrs Maria Cándida Liberato,
Jardim e Museu Agricola Tropical,
Calcada de Galvao, Belem, P-1400
Lisboa, PORTUGAL, Tel.: 351 1
- Dr. A.M. Louis, Head, National
Herbarium of Gabon, BP 4015
Libreville, GABON, Tel.: 241
720333, Fax: 241 774958
- Dr. Joël Loumeto, Laboratoire de
Botanique et dEcologie,
Faculté des Sciences,
Université de Brazzaville
(Marien Ngouabi), BP 2820
Brazzaville, CONGO, Fax: c/o
Orstom: 242 831337
- Prof. Paul Lubout, University of
Zululand, Department of
Agriculture, Private Bag X1001,
Kwadlangezwa 3886, SOUTH AFRICA,
Tel.: 27 351 93911 ext. 2019,
Fax: 27 351 93489, E-mail: pclubout@pan.uzulu.ac.za
- * Mr Benny Luwiika, National
Plant Genetics Resources Centre,
Mt. Makulu Herbarium, P/Bag 7,
Chilanga, ZAMBIA, Tel.: 260 1
278265/278008, E-mail: genetics@zamnet.zm
- Mr H.V. Lyaruu, Department of
Botany, University of Dar es
Salaam, P.O. Box 35060,
TANZANIA, Tel.: 46 18 43500/9,
Fax: 46 18 553419, E-mail: dbot@udsm.ac.tz
or herbert.lyaruu@etox.uu.se
or herbert@vaxtbio.uu.se)
- Ms Anne Mette Lykke, Dept. of
Systematic Botany, University of
Aarhus, Nordlandsvej 68, DK-8240
Risskov, DENMARK, Tel.:
45-89424700, Fax: 45-89424747,
E-mail: biobaml@aau.dk
- Ms Wangari Maathai, Green Belt
Movement, P.O. Box 67545,
Nairobi, KENYA, Tel.:
254.2.504264, Fax: 254.2.504264,
E-mail: wmaathai@unix.cc.emany.educ
- Mr Edward Mabogo, University of
Venda, Department of Botany,
Private Bag X5050, Thohoyandou,
Venda, SOUTH AFRICA, Tel.: 27 159
21071, Fax: 27 159 22045
- * Ms Elina S. Macha, National
Herbarium of Tanzania, Tropical
Pesticide Research Institute,
P.O. Box 3024, Arusha, UNITED
255-57-8813/15, Fax: 255-57-8217,
E-mail: tpri@marie.gn.apc.org
- Mr Julius Mafumbo, Makerere
University Institute of
Environment and Natural
Resources, P.O. Box 10066
Kampala, UGANDA, Tel.: 256 41
530135/542471, Fax: 256 41
530134, E-mail: muienr@mos.com
- * Prof. Rogasian L.A. Mahunnah,
Institute of Traditional
Medicine, Muhimbili Medical
Centre, P.O. Box 65001, Dar es
TANZANIA, Tel.: 255 51 150302/6,
Fax: 255 51 151599, E-mail: tradmed@tan.healthnet.org
- Wendy & Gail Majola, Seed
Trust, P.O. Box 72151, Mobeni,
4060 Natal, SOUTH AFRICA, Tel.:
27 31 751494/9081290, Fax: 27 31
751494, E-mail: ifriedman@sn.wn.apc.org
- Mr John Makombo, Makerere
University Institute of
Environment and Natural
Resources, P.O. Box 10066
Kampala, UGANDA, Tel.: 256 41
530135/542471, Fax: 256 41
530134, E-mail: muienr@mos.com
- F.B. Makonda, Faculty of
Forestry, Sokoine University of
Agriculture, P.O. Box 3014,
- * Prof. Dr. François P.
Malaisse, Faculté des Sciences
Agronomiques, U.R. Ecologie, 2,
Passage des Déportes, B-5030
Gembloux, BELGIQUE, Tel.: 32 81
622245, Fax: 32 81 614544
- Mr Sami Mankoto Ma Mbaelele,
UNESCO, Division of Ecological
Sciences, 7, Place de Fontenoy,
75352 Paris CEDEX 07 SP, FRANCE,
Tel.: 33.1.45684037, Fax:
- Mr Anthony Mapaura, National
Botanic Garden, P.O. Box 8100,
Causeway, Harare, ZIMBABWE, Tel.:
263 4 725313/74417066, Fax: 263 4
- Ms Nina Marshall, TRAFFIC
East/Southern Africa, IUCN - East
African Regional Office, P.O. Box
68200 Nairobi, KENYA, Tel.: 254 2
890471/890605, Fax: 254 2
890471/890615, E-mail: nim@earo.iucn.ch
- Dr. Gary Martin, People and
Plants Initiative, B.P. 262
Marrakesh-Medina, MAROC, Tel.
+212.4.329545, Fax +212.4.329544,
E-mail: 100427.1260@compuserve.com
- Mr Nganteh Martin, ONADEF,
Southern Bakundu Forest Reserve
Project, BP 400 Kumba, SW
Province, CAMEROON, Fax: 354196
- Dr. Eurico Martins, Centro de
Botanica do Instituto de
Investigacao Cientifica Tropical,
Tropical, Rua da Junqueira 86,
P-1300 Lisboa, PORTUGAL, Tel.:
351 1 3645518, Fax: 351 1 3631460
- M. B. Masens Da-Musa Yung, c/o
Laboratoire de Botanique et de
Phytosociologie, Université
Libre de Bruxelles, 28, Av. Paul
Heger, C.P. 169, B-1050
Bruxelles, BELGIQUE, Tel.: 32
650-21-25, Fax:
32-2-650-21-22-2135, E-mail: JLEJOLY@ULB.AC.BE
- Mr Augustine Masereka Johnston,
Rwenzori Mountains National Park,
P.O. Box 188, Kasese, UGANDA,
Tel.: 256 493 2063, Fax: 256 493
- Mr Henk Mast, Eden Foundation,
B.P. 174, Zinder, NIGER, Tel.:
227.510601, Fax: 227.510263,
E-mail: henk@eden-foundation.org
- Dr. A.J Masuka, Kutsaga Research
Station, P.O. Box 1909, Harare,
ZIMBABWE, Tel.: 263 4 575289/94,
Fax: 263 4 575288
- Mr Simon G. Mathenge, University
of Nairobi, Department of Botany,
P.O. Box 30197 Nairobi, KENYA,
Tel.: 254 2 447865, Fax: c/o Dr.
Mibey 254 2 714050 or 254 2
- Mr Patrick Maundu, KENRIK,
National Museums of Kenya, P.O.
Box 40658 Nairobi, KENYA, Tel.:
ext 209 or 274, Fax: 254 2
741424, E-mail: kenrik@tt.sasa.unep.no
or nmk@form-net.com
or biodive@tt.gn.apc.org;
Current address: c/o
Mediterannean Agronomic Institute
of Chaniiain, Crete, GREECE,
Email: rnr@zorbas.maich.gr or aroma@zorbas.maich.gr
- Mr Stephen Mavi, National
Herbarium and National Botanical
Garden, P.O. Box CY 550,
Causeway, Harare, ZIMBABWE, Tel.:
263 4 744170/725313, Fax: 263 4
- Dr. Paul Kamau Mbugua, Kenyatta
University, Department of Botany,
P.O. Box 43844, Nairobi, KENYA,
Tel.: 254 2-810901 Ext 57177,
Fax: 254 2-810759, E-mail: kubvcac@arcc.or.ke
- Mr MusingoT.E. Mbuvi, Kenya
Forestry Research Institute,
Coast Forest Research Station
Gede, P.O. Box 201 Mailindi,
KENYA, Tel.: 254 122 32022
- Mr Noel McGough, Royal Botanic
Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey
TW9 3AB, UNITED KINGDOM, E-mail: n.mcgouch@rbgkew.uk.org
- Mr S.G. McKean, Natal Parks
Board, PO Box 662, 3200
Pietermaritzburg, SOUTH AFRICA,
Tel.: 27 331.471961, Fax:
- Ms Maria Paula G. Meneses, Dept.
of Anthropology, Rutgers
University, P.O. Box 270, New
Brunswick, N.J. 08901, UNITED
STATES OF AMERICA, E-mail: meneses@eden.rutgers.edu
- Dr. Bruno A. Mies, Linnicher
Strasse 60, D-50933 Köln,
GERMANY, Tel.: 49-221-496615,
Fax: 49-211-3113085, E-mail: mies@uni-duesseldorf.de
- Mr Mebrate Mihretu, Forestry
Research Centre, Forestry
Research Centre, P.O. Box 30708,
Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA, Tel.: 251
1 182982, Fax: 251 1 612933
- Dr. Haile Mitiku, Dean, Mekelle
University College, Mekelle,
Tigray (Region 1), P.O. Box 231,
ETHIOPIA, Tel.: 251 3 400512,
Fax: 251 3 400983, E-mail: muc.ncic@padis.gn.apc.org
- Mr Guard-Barya Monday, Uganda
Wildlife Authority, P.O.Box 3050,
Kampala, UGANDA, Tel.: 256 41
530158, Fax: 256 41 530159
- Mr John Moriba, Conservation
Society of Sierra Leone, 4
Sanders Street, P.O. Box 1292
Freetown, SIERRA LEONE, Tel.: 232
22 229716, Fax: 232 22 224439
- Mr Onesimus Muhwezi, Rwenzori
Mountains Conservation and
Development Project, P.O. Box 691
Fort Portal, UGANDA, Tel.: 256
483 22063, Fax: 256 483 22063,
E-mail: wwf@imul.com
- Mr C Mujaju, National Herbarium
& Botanic Garden, Ministry of
Agriculture, P O Box CY550,
Causeway, Harare, ZIMBABWE, Tel.:
263-4-725313/744170, Fax:
- Mr Jackson M. Mulatya, Kenya
Forest Research Institute, P.O.
Box 20412, Nairobi, KENYA, Tel.:
254 154 32891/2, 32383,32946/7,
32541, Fax: 254 154 32844,
E-mail: kefri@tt.sasa.unep.no
- Ms Musonda Mumba, Environmental
Council of Zambia, Head Office
Kabelenga Road, P.O. Box 35131
Lusaka, ZAMBIA, Tel.: 260 1
254130/1 or 224009, Fax: 260 1
223123, E-mail: necz@zamnet.zm
- Michael O. Munoli, Library,
Uganda College of Forestry -
Nyabeya, Attn.: Mr Michael O.
Munoli, Private Bag, Masindi,
- Mr Patrick Nthusi Muthoka,
National Museums of Kenya, Plant
Conservation Programme, P.O. Box
40658 Nairobi, KENYA, Tel.: 254 2
742161/31 ext. 205, Fax: 254 2
741424, E-mail: nmk@form-net.com
or biodive@tt.gn.apc.org
- Ms Esther Mwangi, Kenya Wildlife
Service, Biodiversity Department,
P.O. Box 40241 Nairobi, KENYA,
Tel.: 254 2
Fax: 254 2 501752/505866*
- Mr Montfort Lutamyo Mwanyambo,
National Herbarium and Botanic
Gardens, PO Box 528, Zomba,
MALAWI, Tel.: 265
523145/523118/523388/522893, Fax:
265 522108, E-mail: mmwanyambo@unima.wn.apc.org
- Dr. B. Landon Myer, Dept. of
Social Anthropology, University
of Cape Town, Private Bag,
Rondebosch 7700, SOUTH AFRICA,
Tel.: 27 21 4618850, Fax: 27 21
6502307, E-mail: myrben01@socsci.uct.ac.za
- Dr. W. R. Mziray, National
Herbarium of Tanzania, c/o
Tropical Pesticides Research
Institute, PO Box 3024 Arusha,
Tel.: 255 57 8813/8042, Fax: 255
57 8217, E-mail: tpri@marie.gn.apc.org
- * Dr. Per Mølgaard, Danish
School of Pharmacy,
Universitetsparken 2, DK-2100
Copenhagen, DENMARK, Tel.: 45 35
37 0850/335, Fax: 45 35 37 0845,
E-mail: pm@charon.dfh.dk
- Gorettie Nabanoga Nsubuga,
Makerere University, Department
of Forestry, P.O. Box 7062,
Kampala, UGANDA, Tel.: 256 41
- Ms Joyce Nasieku, Ilkerin-Loita
Integral Development Project,
P.O. Box 128 Narok, KENYA, Tel.:
c/o Stephen Ntoros, Hillcrest 254
2 444883, E-mail: loita@users.africaonline.co.ke
- * Mr Nouhou Ndam, Conservator,
Limbe Botanic Garden, BP 437
Limbe, CAMEROON, Tel.: 237 43 18
83 85 72 76 ext. 381, Fax: 237 42
88 96 (c/o)
- Dr. Katharina Neumann, Johann
Wolfgang Goethe-Universität,
Seminar für Vor-und
Frühgeschichte, Archäologie und
Archäobotanik Afrikas, D-60325
Frankfurt am Main, GERMANY, Tel.:
49 69 798-28569, Fax: 49 69
798-28582, E-mail: k.neumann@em.uni-frankfurt.de
- Ms Grace Wambui Ngugi, KENRIK,
National Museums of Kenya, P.O.
Box 40658 Nairobi, KENYA, Tel.:
ext 209 or 274, Fax: 254 2
741424, E-mail: kenrik@tt.sasa.unep.no
or nmk@form-net.com
or biodive@tt.gn.apc.org
- Mr Geoff R. Nichols, 8 Larch
Road, Durban 4001, SOUTH AFRICA,
Tel.: 27 31 233578, Fax: 27 31
233578, E-mail: grnicho@iaccess.za
- * Prof. Dr. M.-B. Ndjele,
Université de Kisangani,
Faculté de Sciences, B P 2449
- * Dr. Bernard Aloys Nkongmeneck,
Université de Yaoundé I, B.P.
812 Yaoundé, CAMEROUN, Tel.: 237
- Prof. M.H.H. Nkunya, University
of Dar es Salaam, Dept. of
Chemistry, PO Box 35061, Dar es
TANZANIAProf. F.O.C. Nwonwu, Moi
University, Department of
Forestry, P.O. Box 1125, Eldoret,
KENYA, Tel.: 254 321 63164, Fax:
254 321 43047, E-mail: mu-fish@tt.sasa.unep.no
- Ms Virginia Nyamaguru, CARE -
Development Through Conservation
Project, P.O. Box 702 Kabale,
UGANDA, Tel.: 256 486 23517/8,
Fax: 256 486 22307, E-mail: carekba@imul.com
- Mr Alex Obara, WWF, P.O. Box
62440, Nairobi, KENYA, Tel.: 254
2 332963/332833
- Dr. Joseph Obua, Makerere
University, Department of
Forestry, P.O. Box 7062, Kampala,
UGANDA, Tel.: 256 41 543238, Fax:
256 41 533574, E-mail: ufric@starcom.co.ug
- Mr Raymond Obunga, c/o KENRIK,
National Museums of Kenya, P.O.
Box 40658 Nairobi, KENYA, Tel.:
Fax: 254 2 741424, E-mail: kenrik@tt.sasa.unep.no
or nmk@form-net.com
or biodive@tt.gn.apc.org
- Mr Michael A.N. Odula,
Permaculture Foundation Network
Kenya, P.O. Box 132, Homa-Bay,
KENYA, Tel.: 254 385 22198/22112,
Fax: 254 385 22436
- Dr. E.O. Olapade, Forestry
Research Institute of Nigeria,
Non-wood Forest Resources, PMB
5054 Ibadan, NIGERIA, Tel.: 234 2
2410771, Fax: 234 2 2410771,
E-mail: narl@lagosmail.sprint.com
- Mr Nelson Omagor, Makerere
University, Dept. of Botany, P.O.
Box 7062, Kampala, UGANDA, Tel.:
256 41 540764/5, Fax: 256 41
533528, E-mail: botany@swiftuganda.com
- Dr. Eke Onuoha, Office of the
Dean, School of Vocational and
Technical Education, Anambra
State College of Education,
Nsugbe, P.M.B. 1734, Onitsha,
Anambra State, NIGERIA
- Mr Joseph Oonyu, Makerere
University, Department of Science
and Technical Education (DOSATE),
School of Education, P.O. Box
7062 Kampala, UGANDA, Tel.: 256
41 532924, Fax: 256 41 531777
- Ms Monica Opole, C.I.K.S.A.P.,
P.O. Box 29226 Nairobi, KENYA,
Tel.: 254 2 444424, Fax: 254 2
444424, Email: monica.opole.ciksap@elci.gn.apc.org
- * Prof. A.A. Oteng-Yeboah,
Department of Botany, University
of Ghana, P.O. Box 55, Legon,
GHANA, Tel.: 233 21 500263, Fax:
233-21-500263/500306, E-mail: balme@ug.gn.apc.org
- Mr A.W. Owadally, Forestry
Service, Curepipe, MAURITIUS
- Mr Mohamed Pakia, Coastal Forest
Conservation Unit, National
Museums of Kenya, P.O. Box 86
Ukunda, KENYA, Tel.: 254 127
2518, Fax: c/o Nomad 254 127
2391, E-mail: cfcu.kwale@swiftmombasa.com
- Dr. Charles M. Peters,
Anthropology Department, Baldwin
Hall, University of Georgia,
Athens, Georgia 30602-1619,
- Prof. R.M. Pienaar, University of
Witwatersrand, Department of
Botany, P/Bag 3, Johannesburg
2050, SOUTH AFRICA, Tel.: 27 11
7162251, Fax: 27 11 4031429,
E-mail: richard@gecko.biol.wits.ac.za
- Mr Pierre P. Poilecot,
CIRAD-EMVT, P.O. Box 1378,
Harare, ZIMBABWE, Tel.: 263 4
735700, Fax: 263 4 722850
- Mr M.J Potgieter, Department of
Botany, University of the North,
P/Bag X1106, Sovenga 0727, SOUTH
AFRICA, Tel.: 27 152 268 2224,
Fax: 27 152 268 2933
- Dr. Hew D.V. Prendergast, Leader,
Centre for Economic Botany, Royal
Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond,
Tel.: +44.181.3325706, Fax:
+44.181.3325278, E-mail: h.prendergast@rbgkew.org.uk
- Dr. Jean-Pierre Profizi, BP 7701,
Libreville, GABON, Tel.: 241
760570, Fax: 241 735665
- Dr. Nat Quansah, Research on
Natural Resources for
Conservation and Appropriate
Development, Lot IIK 21FP,
Soavimasoandro, Antananarivo 101,
MADAGASCAR, Tel.: 261.2.42144,
E-mail: quansah@bow.dts.mg
- Mme Hanta Rabetaliana,
Coordinatrice projets PCDI, WWF
Madagascar, B.P. 738,
Antananarivo 101, MADAGASCAR,
Tel.: 261 2 34885/34638, Fax: 261
2 34888, E-mail: kfw@wwf.wwf.mg
- Dr. N. Rajanaidu, Palmoil
Research Institute of Malaysia,
P.O. Box 10620, 50720 Kuala
Lumpur, MALAYSIA, Tel.:
603-72590043, Fax: 603-8259-446
- Dr. Etienne A. Rakotobe, CNARP,
Dept. of Ethnobotany and Botany,
P.O. Box 702 Antananarivo 101,
MADAGASCAR, Tel.: 262 2 42801,
Fax: 262 2 35344, E-mail: earakoto@syfed.refer.mg
- Dr. Bakolimalala Rakouth,
Université dAntananarivo,
EES Sciences B.P. 906, Service de
Botanique, Antananarivo 101,
MADAGASCAR, Tel.: 261 2 28733
- Mme Patricia
Randrianavony-Quansah, Research
on Natural Resources for
Conservation and Appropriate
Development, Lot IIK 21FP,
Soavimasoandro, Antananarivo 101,
MADAGASCAR, Tel.: 261 2 42144,
E-mail: quansah@bow.dts.mg
- Ms Ute Reckers, s/c GTZ-SAP, B.P.
Box 123, NDjamena, TCHAD,
Tel.: 235 523241/526035, Fax: 235
- Mrs S. Ann Robertson, National
Museums of Kenya, PO Box 162
Malindi, KENYA, Tel.: 254 123
- Mr Sawadogo Romuald, BP 2013
Ouagadougou, BURKINA FASO, Tel.:
310080, Fax: 300413
- Ms Elizabeth Rubaihayo, Kawanda
Agricultural Research Institute,
P.O. Box 7065 Kampala, UGANDA,
Tel.: 256 41 567507/542277, Fax:
256 41 536461
- Mr C.K. Ruffo, National Tree Seed
Programme, National Tree Seed
Centre, P.O. Box 373, Morogoro,
Tel.: 255 56 3192/3903, Fax: 255
56 3275
- Mr Stephen Rwangyezi, Director,
Ndere Troupe, Uganda
International Conference Centre,
Room 242, P.O. Box 11353 Kampala,
UGANDA, Tel.: 256 41
341776/258080-9/235900-0 ext.
314, Fax: 256 41 241776/257824,
E-mail: ntroupe@starcom.co.ug
- Mr Mohamed Saïd Hassani,
Pharmacie Nationale Autonome des
Comores, B.P. 135 Moroni,
COMORES, Tel.: 269 731264, Fax:
269 731724
- Ms Sonia Santana Afonso,
Faculdade de Veterinaria,
Universidade Eduardo Mondlane,
P.O. Box 257 Maputo, MOZAMBIQUE,
Tel.: 475155/475183, E-mail: safonso@impala.uem.mz
- Dr. Benoit Satabié, National
Herbarium, BP 1601 Yaoundé,
CAMEROUN, Tel.: 314416
- Dr. Urs Peter Schachenmann, WWF
Madagascar Programme - ICDP
Andringitra, WWF - B.P. 7,
Ambalavao 303, MADAGASCAR, Tel.:
261 2 34885/34638/30420, Fax: 261
2 34888, E-mail: pcdi@wwf.wwf.mg
- P.T. Scholte, Projet Waza Logone,
B.P 284, Maroua, CAMEROUN, Tel.:
237 292268, Fax: 237 292269
- Mr R.J Sebola, C.E. Moss
Herbarium, Dept of Botany,
University of the Witwatersrand,
P\Bag 3, Wits 2050, Johannesburg,
SOUTH AFRICA, Tel.: 27 11 716
4012, Fax: 27 11 403 1429,
E-mail: ramagwai@gecko.biol.wits.ac.za
- Mr Charlie Shackleton, Wits Rural
Facility, University of the
Witwatersrand, Private Bag X420,
Acornhoek, 1360 South Africa,
1528.33991, Fax: 27 1528.33992,
- Mr S Shava, National Herbarium
& Botanical Garden, Box
CY550, Causeway, Harare,
263-4-725313/744170, Fax:
- Dr. Patrick N. Shiembo, IRA
Forestry Research Station, P.M.B.
29 Kumba, South West Province,
- Ms Stella Simiyu, National
Museums of Kenya, Plant
Conservation Programme, P.O. Box
45166 Nairobi, KENYA, Tel.:
254.2.742161/742131, Fax: 254 2
741424, E-mail: nmk@form-net.com
or biodive@tt.gn.apc.org
- Prof. Abayomi Sofowora, Obafemi
Awolowo University, Faculty of
Pharmacy, Ile-Ife, NIGERIA, Tel.:
234 36 230368, Fax: 234 36
231733/234 22 410000, E-mail: asofowo@oau.net
- Miss P. Sola, ENDA-Zimbabwe, 1
Waterfield Road, P O Box 3492, Mt
Pleasant, Harare, ZIMBABWE, Tel.:
263-4-301156/62, Fax:
263-4-301156/62, E-mail: enda@harare.iafrica.com
- * Dr. Nicholas Songwe, Korup
Project, BP 2147 Douala,
CAMEROON, Tel.: 237 432171, Fax:
237 432171
- Mr Alan L. Sparrow, Biodiversity
Foundation (for Africa), P.O. Box
FM 730, Famona, Bulawayo,
ZIMBABWE, Tel.: 263 9 61226, Fax:
263 9 65012, E-mail: bfa@acacia.samara.co.zw
- Ms Kristine Stewart, Department
of Biological Sciences, Florida
International University,
University Park, Miami, FL 33199,
305 3481453, Fax: 1 305 3483094,
Email: kstewa01@fiu.edu
- Dr. H.-J. Sturm, Botanisches
Institut, Johann Wolfgang Goethe
Universität, Siesmayerstr. 70,
D-60323 Frankfurt/M., GERMANY,
Tel.: 49 69 798 24753, Fax: 49 69
798 24753, E-mail: h.j.sturm@em.uni-frankfurt.de
- Ms Sian Sullivan, 608 Glengall
Rd., Kilburn, London NW6 7ER,
UNITED KINGDOM, Tel.: 44 171
3722632, Fax: 44 171 3807728,
E-mail: s.sullivan@ucl.ac.uk
- Mr Peter Sumbi, WWF Tanzania
Programme Office, P.O. Box 63117,
TANZANIA, Tel.: 255 51
75346/72455, Fax: 255 51 75535,
E-mail: wwf@unidar.gn.apc.org
- Mr Lemma Tadesse, Ministry of
Agriculture, Omo Sheleko Branch
Office, P.O. Box 42, Mudulla,
- Mr Frank W. Taylor, Veld Products
Research, PO Box 2020, Gabarone,
BOTSWANA, Tel.: 267.347047, Fax:
- Mr Peguy Tchouto, Limbe Botanic
Garden, BP 437 Limbe, South West
Province, CAMEROON, Tel.: 237
332620, Fax: 237 428896
- Dr. Demel Teketay, SUAS,
Department of Forest Vegetation
Ecology, S-901 83 Umea, SWEDEN,
Tel.: 46 090 165867, Fax: 46 090
166612, E-mail:demel.teketay@svek.slu.se
- Mr Edward Telly, Cooperative
Integrated Project on Savanna
Ecosystems in Ghana, P.O. Box 620
Tamale, GHANA, Tel.: 233 71
- Mr A.S. Tema, Department of
Botany, University of the North,
P Bag X1106, Sovenga 0727, SOUTH
AFRICA, Tel.: 27 152 268 2933,
Fax: 27 152 268 2933
- Mr Jonathan R. Timberlake,
Biodiversity Foundation for
Africa, PO Box FM730, Famona,
Bulawayo, ZIMBABWE, Tel.: 263 9
64424/7, Fax: 263 9 65012,
E-mail: bfa@acacia.samara.co.zw
- Dr. Ayalew Tolossa, P.O. Box
28080, Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA
- Dr. Kaj B. Vollesen, Herbarium,
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew,
Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AE, UNITED
KINGDOM, Tel.: 44 181 332-5241,
Fax: 44 181 332-5278, E-mail: k.vollesen@rbgkew.org.uk
- Mr Abubaker Wandeq, Makerere
University Institute of
Environment and Natural Resources
(MUIENR), P.O. Box 10066,
Kampala, UGANDA, Tel.: 256 41
530135/533462/556661-5, Fax: 256
41 530134, E-mail: muienr@imul.com
- Dr. Elizabeth Wangari, Programme
Specialist Environmental
Sciences, UNESCO Dakar Office, 12
Avenue Roume, B.P. 3311 Dakar,
SENEGAL, Tel.: 221 2 35082/38441,
Fax: 221 2 38393, E-mail: e.wangari@unesco.org
- Dr. Jacob B. Wanyama,
Intermediate Technology
Development Group, P.O. Box
39493, Nairobi, KENYA, Tel.: 254
2 444887/442108/254 165 2014
(Isiolo), Fax: 254 2 445166
- Ms Olivia Wanyana-Maganyi,
Makerere University, Department
of Botany, PO Box 7062, Kampala,
UGANDA, Tel.: 256 41 540764, Fax:
256 41 530756/531061, E-mail: botany@swiftuganda.com
- Ms Zenabu Wasai, Environmental
Protection Agency, P.O. Box 620
Tamale, GHANA, Tel.: 233 71
22324, Fax: 233 71 22793 or 233
21 662690
- Dr. H.K. Watson, University of
Durban-Westville, Dept.
Geography, Private Bag X54001,
Durban 4000, Kwazulu-Natal, SOUTH
AFRICA, Tel.: 27 31 8202653, Fax:
27 31 820234, E-mail: hwatson@pixie.udw.ac.za
- Prof. D.C.J. Wessels, Department
of Botany, University of the
North, Private Bag X 1106,
Sovenga 0727, SOUTH AFRICA, Tel.:
27 152-2682933, Fax: 27
- Mr Rob Wild, Jozani-Chwaka Bay
Conservation Project, Commision
for Natural Resources, P.O. Box
3526, Zanzibar, UNITED REPUBLIC
OF TANZANIA, Tel.: 255 811 320140
255 54 21252, Fax: 255 811 320140
255 54 21252, E-mail: careznz@twiga.com
- Ms M.H. Wilkins, 12 Breeze Road,
Waterford, Bulawayo, ZIMBABWE,
Tel.: 263 46586
- Mr Pieter J.D. Winter, Herbarium,
Department of Botany, University
of the North, P Bag X1106,
Sovenga 0727, SOUTH AFRICA, Tel.:
27 152 268 2227, Fax: 27 152 268
- Dr. Claire Wirmun, B.P. 5164,
Mile 2, Nkwen, Bamenda, CAMEROON
- Dr. Bob Wishitemi, Dept of
Wildlife Management, Moi
University, P.O. Box 1125,
Eldoret, KENYA
- * Mr Noah Zimba, Division of
Forest Research, Botany and
Ecology Section, Box 22099,
Kitwe, ZAMBIA, Tel.: 260
02-220456, Fax: 260 02-223727,
E-mail: harder@mobot.org
or handa@mobot.org
- Dr. Issiaka Zoungrana,
International Centre for Research
in Agroforestry, ICRAF c/o
ICRISAT, P.O. Box 320 Bamako,
MALI, Tel.: 223 223375/227707,
Fax: 223 228683, E-mail: i.zoungrana@cgnet.commail:
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