Virtual cotton images and animations produced by the Insect-Plant Interactions Program of the CTPM using the Virtual Laboratory software developed at the University of Calgary, Canada. For details of their creation and use please see Virtual cotton: a new tool for research, management and training.
You are welcome to use these images for non-commercial purposes, but please acknowledge their source and note that copyright is retained by the CRC for Tropical Pest Management, Brisbane, Australia, unless otherwise noted. If you find them useful, please let us know.
Main stem without branches, side and top views. (23k)
Phyllotaxy: manipulation of spiral angle of leaves on the main stem. (29k)
Fruiting branch during flowering. (16k)
Fruiting branch during boll growth. (15k)
Fruiting branch when bolls are open. (11k)
A vegetative branch bearing three fruiting branches. (27k)
Complete 'normal leaf' variety shoot system, side and top views. (35k)
Complete 'okra leaf' variety shoot system, side and top views. (44k)
Complete 'okra leaf' plant including roots. (20k)
Schematic and realistic images of shoot systems. (27k)
Plant parts visualised according to their internal state. (34k)
Pesticide coverage visualisation. (35k)
Visualising light penetration of the canopy. (18k)
Calculating light intercepted by the canopy. (12k)
Stand of cotton plants. (21k)
Main stem phyllotactic angle varied through 360 degrees. (615k)
Development of a fruiting branch. (380k)
Development of a vegetative branch. (106k)
Cotton shoot system development. (550k)
Comparison of development by 'normal' and 'okra leaf' varieties. (800k)
Development of roots and shoots in `okra leaf' variety. (580k)
Schematic and realistic representations of shoot development. (450k)
Visualising the internal state of plant parts during development. (565k)
Changes in pesticide coverage during development. (557k)
Variation of light penetration with time of day and plant development. (404k)
Assessing light interception by canopies. (521k)
Last updated: Jim Hanan, 16 January 1997.