Lecture 13. Resource
Calculating the monetary and
non-monetary value of agricultural
commodities, resources marketed on a
regional level, and plants used for
subsistence, has become a key issue in
ethnobotany. Although economists have
traditionally focused on the monetary
value of plant resources (and especially
global commodities), ethnobotanists,
conservationists and people in general
are interested in subsistence,
recreational, spiritual and environmental
services benefits as well.
are differences in valuation for the
various resource pools discussed in
lecture 10. The primary pool of
approximately 100 species that are the
staple plants of the world are typically
valued as market commodities affected by
international supply, demand and tariffs,
as studied by agricultural economists.
Among the secondary pool of some 1000
species important on a regional or
national scale, there are many cultivated
and managed resources that have a
fluctuating market value; the price of
extractive resources is often affected by
phases of expansion, stabilization,
decline and eventual cultivation. The
tertiary pool composed of an estimated
50,000 species that serve the needs of
people in subsistence economies include
some locally traded goods valued at
marketplace prices, but there are also
many subsistence resources with
non-monetary value often expressed in
terms of nutritional, medicinal or other
qualities. The reserve pool of plants not
currently used by people have important
option values (for example, future values
discovered by bioprospecting
enterprises), indirect values (in terms
of environmental services) and direct,
non-monetary values (such as recreational
and spiritual returns. Increasingly,
these resources are being given monetary
values in "environmental
marketing" appraisals, such as
carbon offset schemes.
- Value is typically defined
by economists as a fair return or
equivalent in goods, services or
money for something exchanged.
Value is often calculated as
monetary worth. However a return
is more broadly interpreted as
something of direct, indirect or
option value, concepts that are
not always easy to translate into
monetary value. Direct values,
the easiest to assess, are
derived from the production and
use of a good in a commercial or
non-commercial (i.e. subsistence)
endeavour. Indirect values
commonly refer to environmental
services delivered by a certain
practice for example
maintaining genetic diversity in
crops, enhancing a watershed or
reducing erosion. Option values
are derived from the future use
of a resource, typically
articulated as the potential of a
resource to meet the demands of
coming years or generations.
- Discount rate is defined
conventionally as the interest on
an annual basis deducted in
advance on a bank or other type
of loan. It is, for example, the
amount charged by a central bank
for advances.
- Externality is a cost that
is generated by producers of a
good but not paid for by them.
Extracting logs from a hillside
may cause increased sedimentation
of streams, the cost of which is
borne by downstream farmers who
use the water but get no benefits
from logging. Economists consider
an externality to exist when
production or consumption of a
good or service by one economic
unit has a direct effect on the
welfare of producers or consumers
in another unit, without
compensation being paid.
Externalities are widespread in
the production processes of
crops, forest products and
- Opportunity costs are the
benefits foregone by using a
scarce resource for one purpose
instead of for its best
alternative use. For example, a
farmer who maintains a
genetically diverse crop that
provides a lower return than a
genetically uniform high-yielding
variety, but who serves a
valuable function as the
conserver of genetic diversity,
is paying an opportunity cost. A
key question is how to compensate
local farmers, forest product
gatherers and other local
producers for the opportunity
costs they incur while engaging
in traditional practices that may
be environmentally appropriate.
The last two definitions are taken
from IPGRI. 1997. Ethics and Equity in
Conservation and Use of Genetic Resources
for Sustainable Food Security. Rome,
International Plant Genetic Resources
Calculating net present value of
non-timber forest products:
One of the most famous attempts to put
a dollar value on non-timber forests
products was carried out by a
multidisciplinary team composed of an
ecologist, a botanist and a resource
economist. Charles M. Peters, Alwyn H.
Gentry and Robert C. Mendelsohn based
their findings on an inventory of 1 ha of
tropical primary forest near the village
of Mishana, Peru. They found 50 botanical
families, 275 species and 842 trees with
a diameter of l0 cm or greater. Of these,
72 species (26.2%) and 350 individuals
(41.6%) yield products that have a market
value in the nearby city of Iquitos.
Sixty species produce timber, 11 species
(including four palms) provide edible
fruits and one tree species yields
These researchers calculated the
annual production of the fruit and
latex-bearing species and measured the
volume of commercial wood in each timber
tree. Prices for these products were
estimated by visiting local marketplaces,
sawmill operators and the governmental
office that controls rubber prices.
They discovered that the 1 ha of
forest Mishana fruit worth almost $650
each year and that the rubber yield is
worth about $ 50 annually. They deducted
labor and transportation costs from these
totals to arrive at a net annual revenue
of $400 from the fruits and $22 from the
The assessment of total monetary value
must take into account not only the
current market value of one year's
harvest, but also the potential
production in future years and
alternative opportunities for using the
land and investing profits. In the
assessment of minor forest products in
the tropical forest of Peru, these
researchers used a simple equation to
estimate the net present value (NPV) of
minor forest products:
NPV = V/r,
where V is the net revenue produced
each year and r is an inflation-free
discount rate of this annual income. For
the purpose of this calculation, they set
the inflation-free discount rate at 5%
and assumed that 25% of the fruit would
be left in the forest each year for
Using this equation, they arrived at a
net present value of $6330 per hectare.
They further calculated that timber from
the plot, when harvested in a way that
does not damage the production from fruit
and rubber trees, would have a financial
worth of $490. This gives a total NPV of
$6820. By contrast, the amount of money
that could be earned by cutting all the
timber in one operation is estimated at a
little over $1000. Based on these
calculations, Peters, Gentry and
Mendelsohn argue that sustainable
management of forest would yield greater
long-term financial benefits than
From the chapter on Economics in
Martin, G. 1995. Ethnobotany.
London, Chapman and Hall.
Questions for
- Are recent attempts to put
a price on biodiversity
- What are the links between
valuation, land tenure and access
to resources?
- Give some examples of private
sector enterprises that seek to
externalize environmental costs,
thus maximizing profits? How can
these costs be internalized?
Balick, M.J. and R. Mendelsson. 1992.
Assessing the economic value of
traditional medicines from tropical rain
forests. Conservation Biology
Ehrlich, P.R. and A.H. Ehrlich. 1992.
The Value of Biodiversity. Ambio
Homma, A.K.O. 1992. The dynamics of
extraction in Amazonia: a historical
perspective. Advances in Economic
Botany 9:23-31.
Kellert, S.R. 1996. The Value of
Life: Biological Diversity and Human
Society. Washington, Island Press.
Martin, G. 1995. Ethnobotany.
London, Chapman and Hall. Chapter on
Mendelsohn, R. and M.J. Balick. 1995.
The value of undiscovered pharmaceuticals
in tropical forests. Economic Botany
Mendelsohn, R. and M.J. Balick. 1997.
Valuing undiscovered pharmaceuticals in
tropical forests. Economic Botany
Peters, C.M., A. Gentry and R.O.
Mendelsohn. 1989. Valuation of an
Amazonian rainforest. Nature
Pinedo-Vasquez, M. D. Zarin and P.
Jipp. 1992. Economic returns from forest
conservation in the Peruvian Amazon.
Perspective for
In order to understand the difficulty
of assessing option values, compare the
following excerpts from articles in
Economic Botany by Mendelsohn and Balick:
"Experience with large samples of
botanical tests over the last two decades
suggests that between one in 50,000 and
one in a million tests result in viable
commercial drugs. We conservatively
assume the lower success rate for the
full population of plants of one per
million. Applying this success rate to
the total potential number of tests
suggests there are about 375 (375 million
tests x one per million success rate)
potential drugs in tropical forests. With
its limited number of screens, an
individual company could probably locate
only between 38 to 56 (38 million x one
per million to 56 million x one per
million) of these drugs if it examined
all 125 000 flowering plant species.
Altogether there are 47 drugs which
have already been discovered from
tropical forests including vincristine,
vinblastine, curare, quinine, codeine,
and pilocarpine. Given our estimate that
there are about 375 total drugs in the
forest, scientists have discovered 12.5%
or one in eight of these drugs to date.
Approximately 328 drugs remain
"hidden" in tropical forests at
present. Given the assumptions listed
above, a private company could expect to
find between 33 to 49 of these new drugs
if the entire resource was examined...
If a private company were given the
rights to develop all the drugs from
tropical forests, the gross revenue from
each potential drug would be worth
approximately $96 million. As discussed
in the earlier section, a single company
should expect to find between 33 to 49
new drugs if it examined all tropical
plants. Multiplying the number of drugs
times their individual value, the company
should expect gross revenues of $3.2-4.7
billion (33 to 49 x $96 million).
Assuming that the desired samples from
across the world could be collected at an
average cost of $100 each, collection
costs would amount to $75 million (750000
samples x $100). Assuming that test
screens cost another $ 100 each adds an
additional expense of $360 530
million ($ 100 year test x 36 million
tests to $100 x 53 million). The net
revenue from the right to the forest is
the gross revenue minus costs, $2.8 to
4.1 billion ($3200 - $75 - $360 million
to $4700 - $75 $530
From Mendelsohn, R. and M.J. Balick.
1995. The value of undiscovered
pharmaceuticals in tropical forests,
pages 224 and 225.
"A computational error appears in
our manuscript entitled "The Value
of Undiscovered Pharmaceuticals in
Tropical Forests". Our original
calculations indicated that the value of
undiscovered drugs is worth about $96
million to a pharmaceutical company and
that there are approximately 33 to 49 new
drugs that a typical company could
discover if it tested all tropical
plants. Potential gross revenues would
range from $3.2-4.7 bi11ion. Collection
costs for the plant material would amount
to $75 million. However, testing for
active drugs using screens is likely to
cost between $3.8-5.6 billion (which we
mistakenly calculated as $360-530
million). The cost of finding new drugs
from a blanket testing program exceeds
the expected benefits for private
companies. Although pharmaceuticals have
high market values,
"undiscovered" drugs have
little market value because they are
expensive to find."
From Mendelsohn, R. and M.J. Balick.
1997. Valuing undiscovered
pharmaceuticals in tropical forests, page