Academy of
the Environment .
The International
Academy of the Environment was
established in 1991 as a policy, research
and training institution. The Academy
aims to contribute to forming a new
generation of decision makers, better
able to comprehend and provide solutions
to the problems of environment and
development. It works in cooperation with
governmental organizations, NGOs and the
private sector, and is supported by
interdisciplinary research and curriculum
Biodiversity/Biotechnology Programme was
set up in 1993 in order to address two
basic issues: the loss of species and
natural habitats, and equity and the
recognition of rights. Through research,
policy dialogues and seminars, the
Programme seeks to develop national and
international pilot projects and to
strengthen institutional capacity.
Its activities fall into
three areas: equitable and sustainable
use of biodiversity, including generating
reserves, IPR issues and socio-cultural
issues; conservation of biodiversity,
focusing on in situ conservation methods
and also agricultural species; biosafety
and biodiversity. The Academy publishes
various reports and research
Commonly, germplasm-rich
countries charge for samples in the
form of a fixed initial payment
(collection fee), a delayed payment
based on sales of the resultant
commercial product (a percent
royalty, i.e. a form of sharing of
benefits), or a combination of the
two ... When the likelihood of
finding a commercially viable product
is small (the risk of failure is
great), emphasizing initial payments
can be done only at the expense of a
significant reduction in the royalty
rate and hence in the expected
overall revenues. .
The importance of the failure risk is
such that reducing it notably through
preliminary in-country screening can
improve revenue prospects greatly.
Whether that is a viable approach
depends on in-country skills,
facilities and costs ... Indigenous
knowledge of plants is another means
of screening or reducing
the failure rate. That knowledge adds
value to the samples which can be
used in determining an appropriate
level of funds to channel to those
groups as payment for indigenous
knowledge. . From: Lesser, W.H. and
A.F. Krattiger. 1994. The
complexities of negotiating terms for
germplasm collection. Diversity
erosion and the privatization of
genetic resources are together
undermining the very base of
sustainable development. |
- Kalemani Jo
Mulongoy, Director,
Programme, International Academy
of the Environment,
4 Chemin de
Conches, CH-1231 Conches,
Switzerland; Tel. +41.22.7891311,
Fax +41.22.7892538,
e-mail Internet
for International Environmental
Law and Development
Volume 2:2 (1993) of RECIEL
focuses on IPR and biodiversity,
reflecting FIELDs special interest
in these topics. - GJM
Foundation for International
Environmental Law and Development (FIELD)
seeks to contribute to the progressive
development of international law for the
protection of the environment and the
attainment of sustainable development.
The Foundation combines international
legal advice and assistance with
research, publication and teaching.
It is primarily a
resource center, providing assistance to
NGOs, intergovernmental organizations,
states and the private sector, on a pro
bono basis where possible, for the
economically disadvantaged. Work is
publicized through its journal RECIEL
(Review of European Community and
International Environmental Law), books
and articles, and by running conferences
and seminars. FIELD runs four specialist
program areas: Climate Change and Energy,
Trade and Environment, Marine Resources,
and Access to Justice. The last mentioned
is trying to develop a more accessible
and just legal system based upon the
increased involvement of NGOs and full
consideration of alternative dispute
settlement procedures.
international law, the status of
genetic resources as property remains
unclear. Under the common
heritage doctrine,
genetic resources are held in common
and the whole world enjoys benefit
from their free flow. Genetic
material found in one country may be
used to the benefit of agriculture in
another, or refined for particular
purposes and returned to the country
of origin with an enhanced value.
Consequently, the countries of origin
have permitted free transfer and
agricultural research institutes,
such as the International Rice
Research Institute, have facilitated
such transfer.
recent developments in biotechnology
and intellectual property rights
challenge the notion that genetic
resources are part of a common
heritage. Developing countries are
the primary centres of biodiversity
and they object, understandably, when
the developed countries call for free
access to genetic materials yet
assume the right to charge for the
refined materials, profits for which
accrue to biotechnology companies,
seed companies and plant breeders
mostly located in industrialized
countries. In response, developing
countries are beginning to claim
economic compensation and
technology-related benefits for the
provision of the original genetic
These types of
claims are now recognized in the
Convention on Biological Diversity,
which was signed by over 150
countries between 5-12 June
Rose, G. Editorial. RECIEL 2(2):iv-v.
- Roger Wilson,
Managing Director, FIELD,
46-47 Russell
Square, London WC1B 4JP,
UK; Tel. +44.171.6377950,
Fax +44.171.6377951,
for International Environmental Law
The World
Environment and Resources Program of the
MacArthur Foundation recently gave a
renewal grant to CIEL in support of its
Biodiversity Law Program, ensuring
continued work on trade and biodiversity,
and financial incentives for
conservation. - GJM .
The Center for
International Environmental Law (CIEL)
was established in 1989 to strengthen and
develop international and comparative
national law, policy and management
throughout the world. By doing this, it
seeks to contribute to solving
environmental problems, to promote
sustainable societies and to incorporate
fundamental principles of ecology and
democracy into international law. CIEL
provides a range of legal services,
working in partnership with lawyers,
NGOs, international institutions and
governments, especially those of
developing nations. These include
conducting analyses of legal issues
concerning environmental protection,
which are regularly published as research
papers, review articles and books. It
also provides advice and advocacy
assistance, primarily to other NGOs, and
is active in education and training. CIEL
offers scholarships, research fellowships
and exchange opportunities, and conducts
environmental law workshops worldwide.
Another aspect of CIELs work is in
helping to develop environmental law
institutions and coalitions in other
Biodiversity Law Program focuses on
providing legal support to the
environmental community on biodiversity
law and policy. It has been addressing
the issues related to sharing commercial
benefits from the use of biodiversity and
has been involved with the implementation
of the Biodiversity Conventions
provisions on access to genetic resources
and the structuring of biodiversity
prospecting agreements. Other initiatives
within the Project are the analysis of
the relationships between conservation
and trade, and international research and
education on economic incentives for
addition to serving as the source of
development of new crop varieties,
diversity in the form of
multicropping and interweaving of
farms and gardens with wild areas
provides stable returns in the face
of climatic variation, crop disease
and other changes, while also
producing a range of valuable
products. In these economies, local
people depend on a wide range of
ecological and economic values of
genetic resources. Their gardens,
farms and surrounding areas include
many different species and many
varieties of species, which provide
long-term stability as well as many
products and services. The value of
genetic and other biological
resources on larger-scale markets
understates their value as means of
production in local
Downes, D.R. 1995. The Convention on
Biological Diversity: Seeds of
greener trade? Tulane Environmental
Law Journal 8(1):163-180.
- David R.
Downes, Senior Attorney,
Center for
International Environmental
Law, 1621 Connecticut
Avenue, NW, #300,
Washington, DC
2009-1052, USA; Tel. +1.202.3324840,
Fax +1.202.3324865,
e-mail Internet
Labour Office INDISCO Programme
Convention 169 is the only
United Nations convention that
specifically addresses indigenous
peoples. The collective nature of
indigenous peoples culture,
including their relationship with their
territories and property, is recognized
in Article 13(1). As collectivity is
fundamental to the transmission, use and
protection of traditional knowledge,
innovations and practices, its
recognition in Article 13 may be
important in international legal
terms. - DAP
International Labour Office (ILO)
is the oldest UN agency. It was
founded in 1919 and, as of 31
December 1995, had a total of 173
Member States. The ILO
specializes in social and labor
questions. Its tripartite
structure, which allows
governments, workers and
employers to come and work
together on standard-setting, is
known to be one of ILOs
advantages in promoting the
rights of working people.
ILO Convention 169 on indigenous
and tribal peoples was adopted in
1989 and, by the end of 1995,
nine countries had ratified it. |
Programme, which was designed on the
basis of the principles defined by this
Convention, aims to help indigenous and
tribal peoples promote their own systems
for employment and income generation. The
Programme works through supporting
grassroots cooperatives and other
self-help organizations, emphasizing the
importance of safeguarding traditional
values and culture. INDISCO is
coordinated from the ILOs
Cooperative Branch in Geneva, and
currently has pilot projects in India and
the Philippines. The Geneva office
provides advisory services, and monitors
and evaluates progress of its projects.
Data on the situation of indigenous and
tribal peoples are gathered and assessed,
and a range of training materials is
produced. INDISCOs pilot projects
have five main components: development of
the local economy, through increasing
production and income, and supporting
local initiatives; helping with
rehabilitation and development of the
economy following involuntary
displacement; improving natural resource
management, in order to reverse
environmental deterioration; helping to
improve the social and economic status of
women; and training and networking of
extension workers.
concern with the indigenous peoples
dates back to the earliest days of
the Organization. In 1926, a
Committee of Experts on Native Labour
was set up to draft international
standards for the protection of
indigenous workers. As a result, the
Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No.
29), among others, was adopted. A
committee of Experts on Indigenous
Labour was established in the
beginning of the 1950s. The ILO
adopted the Indigenous and Tribal
Populations Convention (No. 107) and
its accompanying Recommendation No.
104 in 1957.
When it became clear that
international organizations as well
as indigenous groups felt that the
ILOs 1957 standards were
outdated, the International Labour
Conference at its 75th session in
1989 adopted the Indigenous and
Tribal Peoples Convention (No.
a pamphlet produced by INDISCO
- Huseyin Polat,
INDISCO Coordinator,
Branch, International Labour
Office, 4 route des
Morillons, CH-1211,
Geneva 22,
Switzerland; Tel. +41.22.7996111,
Fax +41.22.7988685
Centre for
Technology Studies
ACTS is one of the principal centers
for research and policy in Africa, but
its influence has become international
through a superb and extensive list of
publications on environment, trade,
biodiplomacy, biotechnology, land tenure
and traditional technologies. It is
closely linked to the Secretariat of the
Convention on Biological Diversity and is
one of the supporting institutions for
the international journal Biodiplomacy,
that attempts to influence global policy
through stimulating enlightened debate of
the highest intellectual quality in
diplomatic forums - DAP
African Centre for Technology
Studies (ACTS) is a non-profit
organization, established in
1988, that conducts policy
research, provides training and
disseminates information. The
Centre promotes the view that
technological change,
environmental management and
institutional innovation are
crucial to sustainable
development and should be at the
core of all development efforts.
In recent years, ACTS has focused
increasingly on issues related to
the implementation of
international conventions,
particularly the Convention on
Biological Diversity and the
Framework Convention on Climate
Change. |
Centres activities related to
biodiversity conservation and community
development fall within the Technology
Management Programme. This aims to
identify ways of using technology to
facilitate sustainable development
programs, through examining policy,
institutional and economic factors. This
work is being done in Ethiopia, Kenya,
Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe.
ACTS organizes occasional conferences and
has published a number of monographs and
books related to biodiversity
conservation issues, including:
Biological Diversity and Innovation,
Biotechnology for Sustainable Development
and the Biopolicy International Series.
ACTS collaborates with United Nations
bodies, and governmental,
inter-governmental, private and academic
Since the local people [of
Bungoma district, Western Kenya] have
a long tradition in resource
conservation, it is possible to
introduce community-based gene banks
which will be linked to central or
national facilities.
This will ensure that the knowledge
pertaining to the plants is available
in the area and that farmers can make
demands on the breeders to improve
some of the indigenous fruits and
vegetables on the basis of local
needs. Alternative methods of
conservation such as gardens at
schools and other institutions also
need to be tested.
Juma, C. 1989. Biological Diversity
and Innovation: Conserving and
Utilizing Genetic Resources in Kenya.
ACTS, Nairobi.
Torori, Director,
Governance Programme,
Centre for Technology
Studies, P.O.
Box 45917, Nairobi, Kenya;
+254.2.565173 or 569986,
+254.2.569989, e-mail
Society for Research and
Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies
and Institutions
pioneered efforts to study the process
and nature of local innovation in
traditional societies. This has been
instrumental in showing that traditional
knowledge as expressed in indigenous and
local communities is not a static
quantity, but rather a dynamic process in
which individuals play a key role in
adapting, inventing and innovating to
keep traditional knowledge relevant to
changing social and ecological
circumstances and conditions.
- DAP .
The Society for Research and Initiatives
for Sustainable Technologies and
Institutions (SRISTI) acts as a
coordinating center for global efforts
aimed at augmenting innovations for
sustainable agriculture developed by
farmers, pastoralists, artisans,
fishermen and others.
The aims of SRISTI are to increase the
dissemination and exchange of knowledge,
and to promote recognition of the value
of local knowledge in formal and informal
agricultural research. It supports the
dissemination of knowledge and expertise
through The Honey Bee Newsletter. This
newsletter, published in seven languages
(Hindi, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam,
Tamil and Oriya in India, and Zonkha in
Bhutan), provides technical support to
its members, including advice on market
research and product development,
information technology and computing
facilities. A database on farmers
innovations, containing information on
sustainable initiatives, will be
accessible through e-mail.
Another important aspect of SRISTIs
work is protecting the IPR of local
innovators through legal support and
advice, and lobbying for recognition of
these rights. SRISTI is investigating
different approaches to providing
compensation for peoples
innovations related to the sustainable
management of their natural resources
(individual material, collective
material, individual non-material and
collective non-material). SRISTI is also
involved in promoting organic
agriculture, germplasm conservation,
setting up of Gyana Van (knowledge
gardens of medicinal plants) and trying
to incorporate local ecological knowledge
into primary education.
From our perspective, the
Convention on Biological Diversity
generated a lot of hope, but also
some concerns. For instance, should
researchers who merely want to
understand the lives of certain
plants or animals be treated
differently from those extracting raw
material for corporations? Will the
Convention generate ethically
responsible behaviour of those who
wish to benefit from developing new
plant and animal products for sale?
Will local communities and indigenous
peoples really be accorded more than
token participation? We see a clear
need for clarification of ethical
norms to guide all those involved in
the new exploration of
Gupta, A.K. 1994. Suggested Ethical
Guidelines for Accessing and
Exploring Biodiversity. Draft
manuscript, SRISTI, Ahmedabad.
Anil K.
Gupta, SRISTI, Indian
Institute of Management, Vastrapur,
380 015, India; Tel.
+91.79.407241, Fax +91.79.6427896,
Declaration Association
The Mataatua Declaration Secretariat
was the first indigenous institution to
be established exclusively to promote
awareness and debate by indigenous
peoples themselves on cultural,
scientific and intellectual property
rights. It is not only a center for
information and dissemination, but the
nexus of a large network of indigenous,
traditional and peoples
organizations concerned with the ethical
and equitable use of traditional
knowledge and biogenetic resources.
The Mataatua Declaration Association
(MDA) is a non-profit international
indigenous organization based in Aotearoa
New Zealand. MDAs objectives are to
promote and implement the Mataatua
Declaration on the Cultural and
Intellectual Property Rights of
Indigenous Peoples, which was established
in August 1993, after having been
presented to the UN Working Group on
Indigenous Peoples (WGIP).
The MDA is an active participant in
meetings of the UN Convention on
Biological Diversity, as well as the
Commission on Sustainable Development and
the UN Working Group on Indigenous
Peoples. The MDA Secretariat contains a
resource library of original works by
indigenous peoples, historical and
contemporary, focusing primarily on
cultural and intellectual property rights
and the environment. Its Pacific
collection is particularly strong. In
1995, the MDA joined the Indigenous
Peoples Biodiversity Network, and agreed
to become the Pacific Regional Indigenous
Peoples Biodiversity Centre (IPBC). Once
funding is more secure, MDA and the IPBC
hope to establish an indigenous
publishing house to encourage and promote
indigenous writing, research and training
programs in indigenous practices of
environmental management, cultural and
intellectual property rights.
The Mataatua Declaration has been
endorsed by indigenous peoples all over
the world and has been published in
English, Spanish, French, Mandarin
Chinese and Maori. The Declaration takes
the view that indigenous peoples have
inherited from their ancestors rights and
responsibilities to safeguard the
heritage of future generations. In
carrying out this function, the Mataatua
Declaration asserts that indigenous
heritage is inalienable, and both
site-specific and culture-specific.
The Declaration specifically focuses on
biological resources and human genetic
resources, and recommends the
repatriation of international collections
and developing partnerships with
indigenous peoples. Local initiatives to
safeguard indigenous heritage are
favored, while looking to national and
international instruments to regulate the
activities of outsiders wanting to
utilize or exploit indigenous heritage
(both tangible and intangible) for
commercial purposes. It requires both
technology transfer and capacity building
within local communities, acknowledging
that some indigenous communities are not
in a strong position at this stage to
fully exercise guardianship
responsibility. The Declaration gives
priority to the establishment of
indigenous educational, science and
research units.
- Aroha
Te Pareade Mead, Director,
Declaration Association,
Box 13-177, Johnsonville,
Wellington, Aotearoa
New Zealand; Tel./Fax
+64.4.4797781, e-mail
ISA has become
Brazils major resource center for
environmental and social issues. As an
amalgamation of the well known and
respected Indigenous Rights Nucleus, SOS
Mata Atlantica, and the Centre for
Indigenous Documentation, ISA has the
resources, breadth and credibility to
provide guidance and support much needed
in a country the size of Brazil, while
maintaining professional links with
organizations around the world. -
Instituto Socioambiental was
founded in 1994 by a group of
people working for social and
environmental rights in Brazil.
It undertakes research and
programs that promote
sustainability and safeguard
cultural and biological
diversity. It is currently
involved in a range of projects,
which include activities on
agroforestry, sustainable
fishery, land demarcation,
handicrafts and socio-economic
zoning. |
In the Xikrin do Catete
Indigenous Area, an inventory of forest
resources is being completed and new
means of income generation explored, as
steps towards the development of a
sustainable forest management plan for
the area. The Institute is also
undertaking the prosecution of illegal
loggers. The legal team of the Institute
(in Brasilia) provides advice and support
for legal proceedings and carries out
research into environmental and human
rights legislation.
The Institute
manages a database on protected,
indigenous and extractive areas. At its
cartographic center, there is a
Geographic Information System and
facilities for remote sensing. These
tools are used for planning and
monitoring natural resource management,
carrying out inventories and zoning land.
The Institute publishes maps, books and a
number of periodicals: Boletim de
Informações e Análise, Aconteceu
Especial Povos Indígenas and
Enciclopédia Povos Indígenas no Brasil.
It has a reference library and a video
and photographic collection.
Institute] draws upon the material
and non-material legacy of the 15
years experience of the Indigenous
Peoples in Brazil Programme of the
Ecumenical Documentation and
Information Centre (CEDI) and the
experience of the Nucleus of
Indigenous Rights (NDI) in Brasilia.
Both organizations have substantial
track records in indigenous rights
questions in Brazil.
a pamphlet produced by Instituto
- João Paulo
Capobianco or Carlos Alberto
Ricardo, Executive
Secretaries, Instituto
Socioambiental, Av. Higienópolis
901, 01238-001
São Paulo - SP, Brazil;
+55.11.8255544, Fax
+55.11.8257861, e-mail
- To contact the
Institutes branch in
Brasilia: SHIS QI 11, bloco K,
sala 65, 71625-500 Brasilia -
DF, Brazil; Tel. +55.61.2482439
or 2485412, Fax +55.61.2486420