Genetic Resources
Action International
GRAIN is one of the most active
international groups working to support
the rights of local innovators, plant
breeders and farmers. It leads in
providing information and stimulating
awareness of the plight of local farmers
and has tirelessly worked to support the
conservation of land races and
traditional varieties of crop plants
threatened by globalization.
Resources Action International
(GRAIN) is an international
non-profit NGO, working to
promote the sustainable
conservation and use of
agricultural biodiversity based
on peoples control over
genetic resources and local
knowledge. GRAIN serves as an
informal facilitating mechanism
linking groups and individuals
from around the world. |
Its activities include monitoring the
latest developments in biotechnology, the
seed industry and intellectual property
rights legislation, and examining the
implications of these issues for
developing countries. GRAIN also
works to promote and strengthen
grassroots conservation projects,
particularly in the Third World. Through
campaigning and lobbying of international
bodies, GRAIN seeks to ensure that global
legal arrangements on biodiversity and
intellectual property schemes will
promote sustainable development. It is
concerned that current intellectual
property schemes harm such development
and it promotes alternatives that ensure
the rights of local and indigenous
communities. Seedling is its quarterly
newsletter, which provides a forum for
the exchange of news and analysis. GRAIN
also edits Biodiversidad, a newsletter in
Spanish for Latin America. Other
publications include a range of books and
occasional reports on new developments.
One of the problems highlighted
by indigenous peoples is the risk of
uniform legal solutions being imposed
on what are very diverse local social
and political realities. The needs of
peasant communities struggling to
retain control of their seedstock may
differ in important ways from
indigenous communities trying to
prevent the commercialisation of
sacred herblore, and will differ
again from other indigenous
communities trying to assert some
kind of copyright over traditional
designs produced for the tourist
market. Uniform national legislation
and, worse still, intergovernmentally
imposed international laws (for
example under GATT) may thus both
pose serious problems to indigenous
Colchester, M. 1994. Towards
indigenous intellectual property
rights. Seedling 11(4):2-6.
- Henk
Hobbelink, GRAIN
Secretariat, Girona 25,
E-08010 Barcelona, Spain;
+34.3.3011381, Fax +34.3.3011627,
Group on Traditional Resource
WGTRR, led by
Darrell Posey, aims to provide practical
help to indigenous peoples to negotiate
their own course between imposed visions
of progress and noble savagery, as
formulated by dominant cultures.
- THE .
The Working Group
on Traditional Intellectual, Cultural and
Scientific Resource Rights (or more
simply the Working Group on Traditional
Resource Rights) came into being as the
result of a growing awareness of the need
to formalize a global coalition of people
working for the common interests of
protecting the rights and interests of
indigenous peoples and those living in
traditional and local communities. It was
initiated in 1990 by the Global Coalition
for Biological and Cultural Diversity,
and since then it has held several
seminars on IPR for indigenous peoples. A
database and mailing list of over 1000
individuals and organizations working for
the recognition and protection of
traditional resource rights has been set
up, and its growing library is currently
being cataloged. Its members have worked
on two publications.
Beyond Intellectual
Property Rights: Protection, Compensation
and Community Empowerment, published by
WWF International and IDRC in 1995, is a
reference book for indigenous,
traditional and local communities, or
those working with them. The first part
of the handbook is framed around a series
of questions that any community might ask
when a visitor arrives, such as who the
visitor might be, their purpose in
coming, the benefits of the visit to the
community, and what rights and control
the community might have over the
visitors activities. The second
part of the book offers practical advice
on ways in which a community can proceed
to protect its property and rights. The
book concludes with an appendix
containing the text of relevant
international declarations and
statements. Copies may be ordered from
World Wide Fund for Nature International,
Avenue du Mont-Blanc, CH-1196 Gland,
Switzerland; or International Development
Research Centre Books, PO Box 8500,
Ottawa, Ontario K1G 3H9, Canada.
Indigenous Peoples,
Traditional Technologies and Equitable
Sharing: International Instruments for
the Protection of Community Intellectual
Property and Traditional Resource Rights,
a paper written in 1995 for the IUCN,
looks at the potential of IPR and related
tools for equitable sharing of benefits
as provided for in the working of the
Convention on Biological Diversity. A
copy may be ordered from IUCN, rue
Mauverney 28, CH-1196, Gland,
term Traditional Resource Rights
(TRR) has emerged to define the many
bundles of rights that
can be utilized for protection,
compensation and conservation. The
change reflects an attempt to build
upon the concept of IPR [Intellectual
Property Rights] protection and
compensation, while recognizing that
traditional resources - both tangible
and intangible - are also covered
under a significant number of other
international agreements.
The term
property was dropped,
since property for indigenous peoples
frequently has intangible, spiritual
manifestations, and, although worthy
of protection, can belong to no human
being. Privatization or
commoditization of these are not only
foreign, but incomprehensible or even
Nonetheless, indigenous and
traditional communities are
increasingly involved in market
economies and, like it or not, are
seeing an ever-growing number of
their resources traded in those
From: Posey, D.A., G. Dutfield and K.
Plenderleith. 1995. Collaborative
research and intellectual property
rights. Biodiversity Conservation 4:
Plenderleith, Working Group on Traditional
Resource Rights, Oxford Centre for the
Environment, Ethics and Society,
Mansfield College, University of Oxford,
Oxford, OX1
3TF, UK; Tel./Fax +44.1865.284665,
Crucible Group
Before getting
buried in the quickly growing literature
on intellectual property rights, take the
time to go through the Crucible
Groups People, Plants, and Patents.
In an easy-to-read style, it gives a
succinct description of current policies
on protecting plant genetic resources,
and provides some well-considered
recommendations. - GJM
The Crucible Group
was formed to examine the impact of
intellectual property rights (IPR) on
farmers, rural society and biodiversity.
The group consists of 28 participants
from the developed and developing world,
including agricultural research
scientists, science managers,
intellectual property specialists, trade
diplomats and agricultural policy
analysts. It is managed by a committee
comprising IDRC (International
Development Research Centre), RAFI (Rural
Advancement Foundation International),
SAREC (Swedish Agency for Research and
Cooperation with Developing Countries),
DGIS (Directorate General for
International Cooperation, The
Netherlands), SDC (Swiss Development
Corporation) and IPGRI (International
Plant Genetic Resources Institute).
results of the groups study into
IPR legislation were published as People,
Plants, and Patents: The Impact of
Intellectual Property on Trade, Plant
Biodiversity, and Rural Society. This
book gives an overview of the major
issues and of the range of policy
alternatives, along with consensus
recommendations. Follow-up discussions on
the issues identified in the report have
been held at international meetings. The
group continues to monitor trends in
intellectual property, while offering
advice to governments and organizations
on policy issues. A new initiative
focusing on alternative legislation on
IPR is underway within the Crucible
project, coordinated by RAFI. Important
elements of this are the production of a
newsletter, and the preparation of
discussion papers on issues related to
people, plants and patents. The
newsletter, first issued in October 1995,
reports on developments in the field of
intellectual property rights.
Hawtin, Chairman,
The Crucible
Group, IPGRI, Via delle Sette
Chiese 142 , 00145 Rome, Italy;
+39.6.5189214, Fax
+39.6.5750309, e-mail
A crucible
is a boiling pot used to distill
diverse elements. Thus, the title
was thought appropriate for an
informal group of diverse
individuals who could be charged
with the task of distilling
viewpoints and recommendations on
these issues. |
the Crucible Group fully recognizes that
the protection of species and ecosystems
is a powerful moral obligation, we also
know that any sound conservation strategy
must correspond with the interests of the
people who depend upon diversity most
Conservation programs that meet the needs
of these people have a good chance of
working, and we ignore this fact at our
peril. Artificial barriers between
conservation and sustainable utilization
must be broken down. Rural communities
use diversity because they need to. To
them, diversity means choices and
opportunities. Acknowledged and
empowered, rural communities are arguably
the most effective, efficient and
economic conservers of biological
The Crucible Group. 1994. People, Plants,
and Patents: The Impact of Intellectual
Property on Trade, Plant Biodiversity,
and Rural Society. International
Development Research Centre, Ottawa.