The Video Project is a non-profit
organization which distributes
educational documentaries on the
environment, human rights and related
issues. Over 250 programs are available
for sale, including:
In Good Hands: Culture and Agriculture
in the Lacandon Rainforest documents the
farming methods of the Lacandon Maya of
Chiapas in southern Mexico, examining the
influence of culture, mythology and
religion on their agricultural practices.
It features James Nation of Conservation
International, known for his works on
Mayan agroecosystems.
The Moonís Prayer: Wisdom of the Ages
examines how Native American tribes in
the Pacific Northwest of the United
States are fighting to protect and
restore their lands.
Cry of the Forgotten Land is a study
of the Moi people of Irian Jaya and their
struggle to conserve their rain forest
environment. It is narrated by
ethnobotanist Wade Davis
Rain Forests: Proving Their Worth, an
intimate look at rain forest peoples and
the local forest products they harvest.
It includes details on producing and
distributing forest products and
initiating commercial partnerships, and
refers to the work which Jason Clay,
senior fellow at WWF-US, was carrying out
in the late 1980s.
Regular notices about new releases can
be obtained by sending the message
subscribe videoproject-l to
e-mail address:
Contact: The Video Project, 200 Estates
Drive, Ben Lomond, CA 95005, USA; Tel.
+1.408.3360160, Fax +1.408.3362168,
Reference Publications has worked with
noted botanists from many countries to
develop a highly regarded series,
Medicinal Plants of the World. The aim of
this series is to collect widely
dispersed data from different parts of
the world into one convenient sourcebook
for each region. Volumes published to
date cover the medicinal plants of China,
India, West Africa, North Africa and the
West Indies. A new volume on Brazil,
written by three noted Brazilian
scientists, will be released shortly.
Contact: Aline Irvine, Reference
Publications, 218 St. Clair River Drive,
Box 344, Algonac, Michigan 48001-0344,
USA; Tel. +1.810.7945722, Fax
+1.810.7947463, e-mail
Courses and
The Education Section of the Royal
Botanic Gardens, Kew provides educational
programs, both on-site at Kew and
Wakehurst Place, and off-site via an
outreach unit. Among other activities,
the Higher Education and Training Program
coordinates capacity building courses for
international students. A five-week
Education in Botanic Gardens course is
run jointly with BGCI. Other offerings
include Conservation Techniques, Botanic
Gardens Management and Herbarium
Techniques. These courses have been given
in different regions of the world,
including Herbarium Techniques in Russia
and Malaysia, Conservation Techniques in
Kenya and Education in Botanic Gardens in
Tasmania. Contact: Education Department,
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond,
Surrey TW9 3AB, UK; Tel. +44.181.3325623
or 3325626, Fax +44.181.3325610, e-mail Internet
The Conservation Media Center (CMC) is
working to promote public understanding
of environmental issues in Latin America.
Established in 1990 by the Rainforest
Alliance (PPH 2:7), the CMC works with
NGOs, helping them to improve and develop
their communication skills to educate
local people, share information with
other groups, stimulate activism,
influence policy and obtain needed
resources. CMC runs workshops in
communication skills for environmental
groups in Mexico and Central America.
These are designed to help conservation
leaders develop effective and efficient
public information strategies. Training
sessions deal with press releases,
newsletters, posters, workshops,
brochures, networking and proposal
writing. CMC runs media workshops in
which reporters and journalism students
from the US and Central America visit
conservation projects in the field.
Complementary to these courses, two
publications have been produced in
Spanish: Periodismo Ambiental en América
Central, describing the challenges facing
environmental reporters in the region;
and Difundan Su Mensaje, which explains
how conservation groups can design
successful public-information campaigns.
The CMC publishes a bimonthly bulletin
Eco-Exchange, which features innovative
conservation projects in Latin America
and information about environmental
issues. This bulletin, published in
English and Spanish, is distributed free
of charge to media outlets, conservation
groups, government agencies and
scientists throughout the world. CMC also
serves as an information clearing house,
providing facts and referrals to
reporters and scientists needing
information related to biodiversity in
Latin America. Contact: Diane Jukofsky or
Chris Wille, Directors, Conservation
Media Center, Apdo. 138-2150, Moravia,
San José, Costa Rica; Tel. +506.2409383,
Fax +506.2402543, e-mail
Understanding and Influencing
Behaviors in Conservation and Natural
Resources Management, number 4 in the
African Biodiversity Series produced by
the Biodiversity Support Program (PPH
1:5), was issued in 1996. This report,
essential reading for planners and
managers of people-centered conservation
programs, provides useful methods and
tools for influencing behaviors critical
to creating workable conservation plans.
Contact: BSP, 1250 24th Street, NW,
Washington, DC 20037, USA; Tel.
Ethnobotany and Sustainable Use of
Wild Plant Resources, a report produced
by ENDA-Caribe, TRAMIL and the People and
Plants Initiative, describes an
ethnobotanical curriculum building
project for Cental America started in
December 1994. Among other objectives,
the project sought to increase the number
of ethnobotanists working in conservation
and sustainable development projects in
Honduras and Nicaragua; assess the
conservation status of useful plants of
Nicaragua; and gather information
relating to ethnobotanical training in
Central America and Mexico. Two local
universities, the National Autonomous
University of Honduras (UNAH) and the
National Autonomous University of
Nicaragua, Section Leon (UNAN-Leon) are
implementing the recommended actions.
Contact: Sonia Lagos-Witte,
Tramil-Centroamérica, Apartado Postal
64, Managua, Nicaragua; Fax
+505.2.657283, e-mail tramilca@nicarao.apc.
belongs to EE-Link, an on-line
source of information about
environmental education. It is
designed for students, teachers
and professionals in the US, but
includes links and resources
useful to a wider audience.
Information is provided on
teaching materials, newsletters,
publication catalogs,
organizations and projects.
EE-Link is maintained by the
National Consortium for
Environmental Education and
Training (NCEET). The Consortium
works to support, enhance and
extend effective environmental
education for American school
children. Contact: National
Consortium for Environmental
Education and Training, School of
Natural Resources and
Environment, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
48109-1115, USA; Tel.
+1.313.9986726, Fax
+1.313.9986580, e-mail
is the site for the World
Resources Institutes
Environmental Education Project.
This project began in 1992, and
has been developing educational
materials on global environment
and development issues.
Teachers guides, videos and
slide sets have all been produced
as well as computer software for
use in high school and university
classes. Based on experiences
with educational groups in
Mexico, India, Europe, Australia,
Vietnam and Japan, these
materials are being adapted to
suit local cultures, education
systems and environments. These
materials are disseminated
through educational networks and
teacher training workshops.
Contact: Environmental Education
Project, World Resources
Institute, 1709 New York Avenue,
NW, Washington, DC 20006, USA;
Tel. +1.202.6386300, Fax
brings you to the Plants
Monitoring Project, part of
EnviroNet, a network to improve
environmental science education
in the USA, which is supported by
the National Science Foundation
(NSF) and Simmons College,
Boston. A web site where people
can share their findings from
ethnobotanical investigations, it
includes a discussion area about
ethnobotany, an on-line herbarium
where participants can read about
specific plants of interest or
add entries, and a list of
resources and related web sites.
Participants are encouraged to
take part in activities such as
interviewing older relatives
about useful plants, collecting
recipes and stories, designing
and implementing experiments to
test the properties of a plant,
trying to grow rare and unusual
varieties and species, and
exchanging seeds. Through sharing
experiences and information, the
project hopes to encourage the
study of plants and their uses in
different cultures, and to
enhance teaching in this field.
Contact: Gabriell De Bear Paye,
Plants Project Coordinator, West
Roxbury High School, 1205 VFW
Parkway, West Roxbury, MA 02132,
USA; e-mail
or EnviroNet, Simmons College,
Department of Biology, 300 The
Fenway, Boston, MA 02115, USA;
Tel. +1.617.5212665, e-mail
People and Plants
Berlin, E.A. and B. Berlin. 1996.
Medical Ethnobotany of the Highland Maya
of Chiapas, Mexico. The Gastrointestinal
Diseases. Prinecton, Princeton University
Press. The Berlins focus on the
scientific foundations of traditional
Maya medicine, drawing upon seven years
of ethnomedical and ethnobotanical work.
They give detailed accounts of Maya
disease classification, symptomatology
and treatment of gastrointestinal
diseases, the most important health
condition affecting the Highland Maya.
Illustrated with fine line drawings, this
volume is the beginning of an
encyclopedic effort to document Maya
traditional knowledge, and return it to
its sources. Contact: Princeton
University Press, 41 William Street,
Princeton, New Jersey 08450, USA.
The International Television Trust for
the Environment (TVE) was set up in 1984
to catalyze the production of television
programs dealing with environment,
development, health and human rights
issues. A non-profit organization, it
works to ensure that its programs are
broadcast in as many countries as
possible, and encourages film-makers in
the South to make their own films on
environmental problems. Its Moving
Pictures service distributes videos free
to developing countries. The Moving
Pictures Bulletin, containing listings
and reviews of films, is produced
quarterly, and is complemented by an
extensive database of environmental
productions. Another component of the
Moving Pictures program is OUTREACH, a
project that compiles and distributes
information packs on environmental and
health issues for use by NGOs and primary
schools in developing countries. Packs
are available in English, French, Arabic,
Spanish and Portuguese. OUTREACH also
assists in the production of
childrens environmental magazines,
and produces a quarterly newsletter
summarizing its activities. Contact:
Television Trust for the Environment,
Prince Albert Road, London NW1 4RZ, UK;
Tel. +44.171.5865526, Fax
+44.171.5864866, e-mail
Rumbo Ambiental, the Spanish language
newsletter of the Centro de Educación
Ambiental e Investigación Sierra de
Huautla (CEAMISH, Environmental Education
and Research Center of the Sierra de
Huautla, Mexico), provides information
and viewpoints from academics and
conservationists on the local and global
environmental crisis. Contact: Oscar
Dorado, CEAMISH, Avenida Universidad
No.1001, Colonia Chamilpa C.P. 62210,
Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico; Tel.
+52.73.112288 ext. 175, Fax +52.73.133794
Sabonet News, the newsletter of the
Southern African Botanical Diversity
Network (SABONET), aims to inform
southern African botanists of the
activities and developments of this
regional project, which seeks to develop
a strong core of professional botanists,
taxonomists, horticulturists and plant
diversity specialists within the ten
countries of southern Africa who can
inventory, monitor, evaluate and conserve
the botanical diversity of the region.
Contact: Christopher Willis, The Editor,
Sabonet News, National Botanical
Institute, Private Bag X101, Pretoria
0001, South Africa; Tel. +27.12.8043200,
Fax +27.12.8043211, e-mail