current and coming issues: There
are two back issues:
- Issue
1. Keeping in Touch:
Journals, Networks, Newsletters,
Organizations and Professional
Societies. (January, 1996; G.J.
Martin and A.L. Hoare, editors).
- Issue
2: Protecting Rights:
Legal and Ethical Implications of
Ethnobiology. (July, 1996; G.J.
Martin, A.L. Hoare and D.A.
Posey, editors; co-sponsored by
This is number
These issues will
be published later this year:
And then, in 1998:
- Managing Resources:
Community-based Conservation.
- Reading the Landscape: Cultural
Perspectives and Geographical
Information Systems.
- Healing the World: Ecology,
Cultural Transition and the
Health of Local Peoples.
Suggested topics for 1999 and
the year 2000 are given in Issues 1 and
Editorial Team
Gary J. Martin, General Editor
Ivette Fabbri, Design and Production
Alison L. Hoare, Associate Editor
Malcolm Hadley, UNESCO advisor
Alan Hamilton, WWF advisor
Hew Prendergast, RBG, Kew advisor
Special thanks to Mayumi Nishihara for
her assistance on Issue 3. The opinions
expressed in the People and Plants
Handbook are those of the various authors
and contributors cited, and should not
necessarily be attributed to the editors
or sponsoring institutions. All
photographs by G.J. Martin except when
otherwise noted.
Supports the Handbook?
The People and Plants
Handbook is a publication of the
WWF-UNESCO-Kew People and Plants
Initiative (see PPH 1:4).
Handbook is produced with financial
support from the UK Overseas Development
Administration (ODA). Issue 2 of the
Handbook has been co-sponsored by
the International Plant Genetic Resources
Institute (IPGRI, see PPH 1:5). .
opinions expressed in the People and
Plants Handbook are those of the various
authors and contributors cited, and
should not necessarily be attributed to
the editors or sponsoring institutions.
grassland with
Cyathea tree ferns on the slopes
of Mount Wilhelm, the highest
mountain in Papau New Guinea.
(Photo: Robert Hoft) |